Finally Happy

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Kindaa stole Allis idea with the vacation part but it's nothing like her story.

Ben's POV:

I walked into the airport, my mother was squeezing my hand tightly not wanting to let me go. We were going to the Mantah Corp island for a trip. All 6 of us would be there, I was so excited to see Darius. And well...of course I was excited to see the others as well. "Are you sure about this sweetheart? You just got back!" My mother worriedly said. I hugged her tightly with a nod. 

I pulled out of the hug, my mother had tears in her eyes. "Three weeks." She said, I laughed slightly. "Yes yes, three weeks." She wiped her nose and put on a small smile. "Promise?" She quietly said, I nodded once more. "I promise mom." I reassured, she sniffled and nodded. "I'll walk you to the gate come on sweetheart." 

We arrived at the gate, I saw the other 6. They all looked older and...Brooklyn's hair was cut? I gave my mother a kiss on the cheek and hugged her. "Okay okay, go reunite with the others now." My mother finally said, I smiled with a small nod as I started to walk over to the others. Darius and Kenji were walking over while saying their goodbyes to Brandon and Mrs. Bowman. 

"Ben!" I heard Yaz call out, she soon hugged me without a warning as I arrived over to her. "Benny Boy!" Sammy joined the hug, lifting both of us slightly. She had been getting strong, jeez. "Jeez you're strong!" I said, rubbing my sore arms. "I've got a strong Girlfriend!" Yaz proudly said, her hands on her hips with pride. "Oh, stop it." Sammy mockingly put an embarrassed look on her face. "Hey losers!" Kenji put his arm over me, making me stumble. Darius looked unfazed. Smiling at the others as a hello. 

"Darius!" I pushed Kenji off of me and walked up to Darius with a wide smile. He opened his arms for a hug. I hugged him tightly like it was the last time I would hug him. I felt his lips form a smile, which made me smile. "Hey Island Boy." He pulled away from the hug. "Island MAN." I correcting, he laughed slightly again. Seeing his face again gave me a weird feeling. I turned to the others, Yaz gave me a look as Brooklyn walked over and kissed Kenji. 

"Hello loves!" Mae called out from behind us. "Mae!" Everyone called out, hugging Mae tightly. "I got it all booked, lets hurry now!" She excitedly said, we all smiled as we followed Mae. All of us waving to our parents goodbye while leaving. We all were so excited for this. We had three weeks to just hang out with each other. I would be able to talk to Darius and the others a lot. 

We arrived at the island and set our bags down in the cave. It looked way nicer than before, but the living room looked exactly the same as one year ago. I set my bags down near the door with Darius' while the others just threw them somewhere and sat down somewhere. "That flight was sooo long." Sammy complained while laying her head down on her girlfriends lap. Yaz started to play with here hair. They are adorable. I glanced over at Darius, he was sitting on the couch, I sat in front of him on the floor. 

"What should we do?" Brooklyn asked, I shrugged. "I have some games in the closet if you'd like to play any." Mae suggested some heads perked up. "Sure." Kenji said, I felt Darius started to run his fingers through my hair. "You got uno?" Kenji casually asked, Mae hummed as she walked to the back. "Uno? Really?" Yaz rolled her eyes at Kenji.

"It's a good game." Kenji layed back, Brooklyn set her head on his chest. Darius started to just play with my hair. It was longer than before. "Ok, so I've got Uno, Clue, Life, and...this?" She set the small box down while also sitting down on the floor. The box read "exploding kittens" weird.

"That's a weird title." Yaz admitted, I laughed slightly and nodded with agreement. Darius slid down to sit next to me. "Let's play it!" Mae announced, everyone sat on the ground as Mae tried to explain the rules of the game.

"Kenj you can't do that." Brooklyn said, Kenji snapped his head to her. "What do you mean! They both are kittens!" He protested, he was trying to match two different kitten cards together. "That's not how you play, you need two of the same card." Yaz tried to explain for Mae, Mae nodded. Kenji groaned and picked his card up. "This game is so stupid.

Darius put down a share the future. "Favoritism." Brooklyn murmured, I laughed slightly. My cheeks were obviously pink. He picked the three cards up and showed me. Kenji tried to explode me. I rolled my eyes. Darius rearanged the cards so Sammy got the exploding kitten. I smiled as he put the cards down and took one. I took one as well and watched Sammy. "Should I trust y'all?" She suspiciously asked, I put on a sweet smile and nodded.

"Ah, alright." She picked the card up and slammed it on the floor. "That's so unfair!" She shouted, Mae started laughing. Somehow her laugh was very smooth. "Calm down dear." Sammy let out an angry sigh and slammed her cards in the discard pile. "Sucks to suck I guess." Brooklyn teased, Sammy rolled her eyes. The only thing calming her was her girlfriend.

After a while of yelling and shouting, we decided to walk around. Everyone was pretty energized after playing the game, Darius kept winning. But only because I let him. "Do you think we could find Firecracker?" I asked, glancing at Darius. Darius smiled at the chance. "Well, most likely. She is probably all grown up thought sense they were made to grow fast." Darius explained, with a hint of excitement. I smiled at the response. I already knew this, but I liked to see him that excited.

"We'll go look for Bumpy!" Sammy said, now walking off with her girlfriend giggling. Brooklyn elbowed Kenji hardly. "Let's go Kenji!" She said, I looked at her with confusion. "What but-" "Come on!" She said, more demanding. Kenji put his arms up in surrender. "Ok ok let's go." He followed Brooklyn to wherever they were going. "Let's go to look FC!" I excitedly said, Darius chuckled. I grabbed his hand gently and pulled him into a direction. I honestly had no idea where I was going, but I had an exuse to hold him hand.

WOHOOO finally published. Yes I gave up on my other story too. I just wanted to make a cute story LMAO

Word Count: 1155

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