Backfired 🙄

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After that incident Ohm told everything to Lin. By knowing that her son was bullying Ohm she came up with an master plan. But the three hyenas and their goat still finding their ways to irritate Ohm.

Like one day when Ohm went downstairs for dinner they put some extra chillies on his food. Putting insect's on his clothes and shoes. But they didn't stop there whenever he goes for a shower they close all the water pipes or they open cold water tap for him. Ohm really got pissed he was waiting for the right moment to turn the table.

Now the three hyenas are sitting on sofa infront of the big t.v. arguing on something. And Lin and Ohm was sitting behind them on dinning table discussing their own plan.

"I am telling you bulls can dance like snakes" Nanon said while being all sassy.

"That's impossible" Milk and Khun both said in unison.

"I can prove you guys all wrong"Nanon said with smirk while looking at Ohm and Lin direction. He got up from sofa and start the t.v. suddenly Ohm's itching dance video was playing on it.
Three hyenas start laughing loudly while holding their stomachs making Ohm pissed.

"See Mom your well mannered officer is dancing like a snake" Nanon said sarcastically looking at their direction. Waiting for Lin to say something.

"I think you guys had a lot of fun right. So from now on Ohm is an incharge of this whole house. Because I leaving for my parents house for two weeks. If you guys try to disobey him I will make sure to kick you all out of the house" Lin said threatening them while giving them a deadly glare.

By seeing her in this much anger three hyenas gulped in fear and nodded their heads. They all knew if they make her angry she will beat them and crush their bones with her bare hands. Their plan got backfired brutally.


After Lin left Ohm give three hyenas a evil grin. And said their good days were gone now they all have to pay for the humiliation he got especially Nanon he will not let him breathe. By hearing Ohm threat they all got anxious because now the table got turned.

Now Ohm starts torturing them he gave two weeks leave to all the servants by saying that three of them will work from now on. He woke them early in the morning by saying that stop being a pig on bed and come for a jogging. Now they all are jogging for hours because Ohm didn't even let them rest. But after thirty minutes he stopped Milk and Khun and said them to take some rest except Nanon.

"You Mr. Rude can't you see that I can't walk anymore you are so Cruel I hate you" Nanon said panting while stopping his tracks. He glared at Ohm who was sitting on their yard bench while sipping orange juice.

Khun and Milk both got very exhausted so they went back to their respective rooms because their punishment got over except Nanon.
Who is still running under the hot sun they are very worried for their little hyena because he can't able to bear much heat.

Ohm was enjoying the whole show but seeing Nanon suffering make his heart ache but he needs to burry all this feelings. He have to be tough because Nanon needs to behave properly. Running for a while Nanon got lack of oxygen he was panting very badly drenched in sweat. His vision starts to get blurry suddenly he fell on ground.

"NANON" Ohm shouted and ran towards him. He quickly lift him in his arms and rushed towards his room. He was so scared and cursing himself for his reckless act how can he forget that he can bear heat but things are different with Nanon.

He quickly soaked small towel into cold water and start cleaning Nanon face and neck area. He quickly take Nanon's shoes off and felt angry with himself by seeing his swollen feet's.
He started to apply cream on his feet's massaging it gently. Without Nanon knowing he kissed his forehead, nose and both cheeks. He took Nanon both hands in his hands and kissed his palms softly.

"I am really sorry Nanon please forgive me. I promise I will never hurt you again" Ohm said softly while caressing his cheeks tenderly.


When Nanon woke up he was in his bedroom. He remembers all the torture and start cursing Ohm then he noticed his swollen feet's got little better. His feet's are still paining but he somehow managed to walk towards bathroom. He took a cold shower and put a black shirt and shorts. He went downstairs and greeted by Ohm who was sitting on dinning table reading some books.
He got curious that what he was reading while being so immersed that he didn't even know that Nanon already standing infront of him.

"100 ways to control the spoiled brat's" Nanon read out loud while fuming in anger. Making Ohm jolt he looks up and see Nanon was glaring at him with full rage. He quickly closed his book and got up from chair.

"What don't glare at me and cook something for me I am hungry. And remember one thing if you try to disobey me I will call aunty got it" Ohm said sarcastically his slightly pushed Nanon aside and walked towards kitchen and sat on kitchen chair comfortably.

*Sigh* Nanon sighed in defeat now he can't rebel against him when he use hitler card.
"But I can't cook anything. I didn't even step inside the kitchen once" Nanon said innocently while making a cute pout but deep inside he fought the urge to slap him across his face.

"Are planning something evil" Ohm said with frown while clicking his fingers snapping Nanon from his dream.
"Nothing Mr. Rude" Nanon said while showing his tongue. He walked towards kitchen while limping. He picked his Mom recipe books and start making whatever he can make easily.

By seeing his miserable condition he felt guilty. He was seeing how Nanon was struggling while making an food. He got up from his seat and start making dinner himself. Nanon just wanted to punch this guy badly. If he knows how to cook why bother him.

After finishing cooking Ohm quickly went back to his seat gesturing Nanon to serve him. Nanon was coming towards him while holding food tray he put the tray on the table. He was going to leave but Ohm suddenly pulled him by his waist and hugged him tightly while burying his face on his stomach. Making Nanon panick because this guy is acting weird today.
He was trying to push him but Ohm tighten his grip more.

"Please stay here for a moment. Don't leave me"Ohm said in muffled voice. He was hugging Nanon tightly like his life is depended on it. Nanon stopped resisting and start caressing Ohm's hair's lightly.


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