Episode 1 - Kage

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The day was bright and significant for the pair. As March teetered on the edge of change, one phase was closing while another prepared to begin. He settled into his seat, the classroom's drapes pulled aside to welcome the warm sunlight. "Okay, here we go! 3...2...1 GO!" She playfully leapt onto the table next to him, her impish smile accompanying the countdown. Together, they opened their mark sheets, raising them high and closing their eyes tightly.



Super happy, they hugged each other, feeling a mix of excitement and a bit of sadness. Graduation day was here, and it meant saying goodbye to junior high, where they made tons of memories and awesome friendships. All the laughs during lunch, the late-night study marathons, the epic wins on the soccer field, and the sweet sounds of the singing group. Every memory had its own special place, making up the unforgettable story of their junior high days.

As they stepped out of the classroom, a gentle breeze swept through the hallways, carrying with it a sense of nostalgia and wistfulness. They knew that physically, they were departing from the school, but deep in their hearts, their souls would forever remain intertwined with the memories and moments they had shared within those walls.

Looking back one last time, they took in the familiar sights—the lockers adorned with personal touches, the hallways filled with laughter and chatter, and the classrooms that had witnessed their growth and transformation. Each corner held a story, etched into the very fabric of their beings.

They walked together through the hallway, their footsteps echoing down the empty corridors. It felt surreal and poignant as if time had momentarily paused to allow them to say their goodbyes. Emotions welled up within them, a blend of gratitude for the experiences they had gained and a tinge of sadness at the imminent separation from the place they had called home for so long.

As they stepped through the school gates, the wind carried away fragments of their laughter, dreams, and aspirations. Yet, they knew that the intangible essence of their journey would forever linger within those walls. The friendships they had formed, the lessons they had learned, and the bonds they had forged—they would carry these cherished treasures in their hearts as they ventured into the unknown.

The wind whispered softly, a gentle reminder that the end of one chapter marked the beginning of another. They embraced the uncertainty that lay ahead, knowing that they had been shaped by their time in the school and were now ready to spread their wings and explore the vast expanse of the world.

With a mixture of fondness and anticipation, they bid farewell to their beloved school, grateful for the memories that would forever hold a special place within them. The wind continued to dance around them, carrying their souls forward, as they embarked on a new chapter, carrying with them the indelible imprint of their junior high days, forever etched upon their spirits

"Gotta bring our A-game to high school," Kage whispered, a determined glint in his eyes as he stared at the school building. "I'm scared," Aika confessed, her voice trembling slightly, as she closed her eyes, seeking a moment of respite.

Kage gently reached out and placed a comforting hand on Aika's shoulder, offering a source of solace in their shared vulnerability. Understanding the weight of her words, Kage spoke softly, their voice filled with empathy.

"It's okay to feel scared, Aika," Kage reassured her, their voice laced with empathy. "but always remember, we're in this together. We'll face each hurdle hand in hand."

Aika slowly opened her eyes, finding strength in Kage's comforting presence. Their unwavering support served as a reminder that they were not alone in their apprehensions.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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