It's Coming Back

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'You look pretty, Stef.' Taylor says, and Gaga spins around. 'Really? Not too much..?' She asks, still unsure. 'It's... interesting,' Taylor laughs. He approaches Gaga and kisses her. 'I always think you look gorgeous,' he smiles as he carefully looks at her outfit. All black; bra, skirt and jacket, the last two with fur-like covering. The colorless outfit is accompanied by the curly wig she wears a lot since a while ago, but an edition with orange dye. She is now fixing some earrings and Taylor smiles as he knows there is still red lipstick and a pair of heels to come.

When Taylor watches Gaga put on her shoes, he can't help but coming closer to steal another kiss. 'I love you, more than I could have ever imagined,' he whispers in her ear, and she smiles a wide smile. 'I love you too honey,' she answers. 'Who's interviewing you?' Taylor asks while Gaga puts on her favorite red lipstick. 'Howard Stern.' She answers without looking away from the mirror. 'Looking forward to it?' Taylor asks, and she nods. 'Yeah, he is wonderful. Although he can go deep into subjects. Sometimes too deep for me. But he is nice.'

"I wrote a song called 'Swine'. The song is about rape. The song is about demoralization. The song is about rage and fury and passion."

"I went through some horrific things."

"I'm able to laugh now, because I've gone through a lot of mental and physical therapy and emotion therapy to heal over the years."

"I was so traumatized by it, I was like 'just keep going,' because I had to get out of there."

Taylor is sitting at the kitchen table, with his laptop opened in front of him. He is going through some e-mails with important files to read when he hears his girlfriend coming home, accompanied by their little dog. He isn't really paying attention because he is caught up in his work. Gaga undoes Asia's collar, kicks her heels off and walks into the kitchen. Just when she walks past him, Taylor realized she might need some of his attention right now. He heard the entire interview, and he assumes that it might have triggered something with Gaga.

Taylor looks at her when she walks in. 'Hey,' he carefully says, but she doesn't react. She sits down on a chair across from him, and she rests her head in her hands. He gets up and walks around the table. Without getting too close, he leans against the edge of the table, and he lays his hand on her shoulder. She looks up at him, no emotions displayed on her face. She takes the earrings off and puts them down on the table before taking her wig off and fixing her hair. She takes his hand, and silently holds it for a few minutes. 'I'm gonna take a shower,' she announces, and she gets up and makes her way into the bathroom.

After showering and putting on some clean clothes, Gaga slowly walks to the living room. Taylor is sitting on the couch and she sits down next to him and lays her head on his shoulder. He wraps his arm around her, pulling her a little closer. 'Are you okay, baby?' He asks softly. She nods a little and closes her eyes. 'I don't wanna talk about it,' she whispers while Taylor softly strokes her head. Gaga drifts off to sleep, and when she starts snoring a little, Taylor softly chuckles. Very carefully, he stands up and he lays her down on the couch.

Asia is about to jump onto the couch, but Taylor is just in time to stop the small dog. 'Mommy needs her sleep, okay?' He whispers to the dog, and she makes a soft whimpering noise. 'Alright, I'll take you out, batpig.' He carries her to the hall, and kneels down with her. After putting on her collar, Taylor takes Asia outside for a walk. When he gets back, Gaga has woken up, and he spots her on the balcony, smoking a cigarette. Taylor silently opens the door of the balcony and hugs Gaga from behind.

Gaga stiffens when she feels two arms around her, and she accidentaly drops her cigarette. 'Hey, hey, it's safe Stef.' Taylor says, and Gaga turns around. She shakes uncontrollably and Taylor pulls her close. 'It's okay, Stefani. It's okay,' he says as he rubs her back. 'I'm cold,' she whispers. Taylor leads her back inside and settles her down on the couch, with a warm blanket. 'I'll make some coffee.' He tells her, and she nods. 'Thank you,' she says, her big eyes following Taylor's every move.

When both of them have a cup of coffee in their hands, Taylor sighs. 'You're not okay, are you?' He asks, and Gaga shakes her head. 'What's going on in your mind, what are you thinking?' He asks, but Gaga's reaction is, once again, not much. She just shrugs, and Taylor takes her hand. 'I'm trying not to think about it,' she says, her eyes becoming a little watery. Taylor puts his cup of coffee down and looks at her. 'You can't not feel stuff you don't want to feel, Stefi. Life is about feeling. And especially in your life all those feeling and emotions are so significant.'

Gaga stands up, and she paces around the room. 'Fucking hell,' she spits out, and tears roll down her cheeks. 'I don't want to feel this Tay. I don't need to. I have felt this before and I... I never want to feel like that again. You can't-you-you-' Gaga breaks down, and Taylor gets up. Gaga walks into his arms, and he tightly embraces her. 'I can't feel this, Taylor. It hurts.' She cries into his shoulder, and he just holds her.

'I-I can't,' Gaga keeps crying as she wraps her arms around Taylor neck. Tears keep streaming endlessly, but eventually the pain subsides. She slowly walks to the couch and sits down. The pain that was filling her body is gone, and now she is only really tired. 'I want to sleep, Taylor,' she whispers, and he scoops her up and carries her to the bedroom. 'Just sleep, it's okay.' He kisses her forehead and covers her with the sheets. He sits on the edge of the bed for a little while longer, and they look at each other.

Gaga's eyes fall closed, and after giving her one last kiss, Taylor leaves the room. He works a little bit, and then he cooks dinner. Halfway done, he gets disturbed by noise coming from the bedroom, and he quickly walks there. When he opens the door, Gaga shoots up in bed, panting heavily. Taylor rushes to her side and hugs her. She starts crying again, and he kisses the top of her head. 'It's just a nightmare. You're okay.' He comforts her. Gaga is too awake to sleep any longer, and she follows Taylor to the kitchen, where she just silently sits at the table while he cooks.

After dinner, Gaga is about to fall asleep again, but she doesn't want to give in. Taylor notices, and he rubs her back softly. 'Take it easy, honey. Just rest up a little.' He whispers in her ear before kissing her neck. They walk to the bedroom, and she lays down again. She pulls Taylor down with her, and he carefully holds her as she closes her eyes. 'Allow yourself to take that rest, princess. You need it.' Gaga nods with a small smile on her face, and then she falls asleep, this time safe in Taylor's arms.

Heeeeyyy! I'm Laura, some of you may know my Tumblr (ladygagaloverholland) already, but I decided to start posting on here too 😊
This was just a little oneshot, I might post multiple-chapter fics later on.

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