So it's mostly the normal Rimuru Tempest or should I say the final form which is basically Rimuru with all the powers of web, light, and manga story's as well as all other forms an AU's like cosmic and true creator and such (however I don't know them all) so I will make it simple since Rimuru would be OP as a slime and what not but you'll see
Name:Rimuru Tempest
Race:supreme slime-later "human?"
Strength:infinite and unending
Speed:infinite and unending
Gender:none (goes by male pronouns)- later female (hehe ciel sure is a sneaky one)[note; I basically rolled a random chance and it chose him to be female in the story so deal with it]
Skills/hacks: YES- most gets unused
More might show up but I'm to lazy to explain and don't want to do any research to get all the facts.
Slime La Kill (kill la kill x tensura)
ActionI have looked for this kind of story but it doesn't exist so I'm gonna write it myself so original idea here I'll try to be as active as possible so I hope you enjoy