shaggy and violent j

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Shaggy and J had some faygo.J drank all the faygo (damn J)."What the hell man!"shaggy yelled at J."Sorry dickhead"J said while laughing."fuck you too"shaggy said while flipping him off."Well I better get going bye shaggy! "J yelled while running as fast as he can.shaggy never seen him run.Shaggy almost burned the house down because he forgot to add water to his ramen." Fuck!"shaggy yelled out while putting the fire out.Shaggy heard the phone ring so he went to it."yo yo this is shaggy who's calling?"."yooooo shaggy how are you"J said in a happy tone."Oh hey J why are you calling at 2am?"shaggy asked J."well I was wondering if you wanted to go get high with me"J replied."hell yeah.what time?"shaggy asked "hm 1pm?" J said."sure"shaggy said.

8 hour's later

Shaggy checked the time and it was 10am.shaggy fell asleep and when he wake up it was 12:30pm."i better call J".J was getting ready he put on jeans and a black shirt and his hatchet man chain.He realized the phone was ringing he then answered."hello?"j said."Hey j you coming over still right?"shaggy asked "hell yes I'm" j replied."I'm gonna hang up the phone see ya soon bitch."J said while hanging up (damn J you didn't let shaggy say bye). Shaggy heard a loud ass knock. "open this door shaggy!" J yelled. Shaggy opened the door. "What's up bitch" shaggy said."nothing."j said.1 hour passed."are we gonna get high or no? "J asked." Eh no I don't want to anymore."shaggy responded."then why the fuck am I here?"j asked. "Shut up and leave  fatass" shaggy said "what the fuck did you say bitch?" J said. "Shut.up.and.leave.fa-" shaggy was punched in the nose by j. "What the fuck????" He said. He then slapped j. "You slap like a little girl" j said while trying not to laugh. J couldn't help himself he had to laugh "HAhHahhahahhaha"." What the fuck hahahaha you laugh like a girl"shaggy said.they both laughed then they stopped."I should get going bye shaggy."J said while leaving. "Bye" Shaggy said.shaggy then went to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2022 ⏰

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