Seekers and seers.
We both are burdened to take this task for the fandoms, keeping the followers out of places they don't belong. As such we are allowed to visit our Worlds, seers are the only ones though who can see the worlds clearly and depict it to the seekers, seekers might as well be blind in their dreams! Sadly though this is not the case, as a seeker most have terrible nightmares of simple times gone wrong, moments from the past. Thankfully while I do have a history of being depressed (or depressing) the dreams don't effect me, no one has died in my family in my life time, not yet.
Although for seers they have dreams, dreams of other worlds, meeting the headcannons of the fandom or just news that makes no sense. Few have nightmares only those who have lots of problems regardless of their situation.
Both are cursed by the darkest depths of theirs own thoughts threatening to reveal themselves, not by works or words, but by things people see in them. Scars, clothes, emotions. These are what they see in most of us. Some more then others. Some not at all. Regardless it's there. Never to leave, ever.
the random ramblings of me.
SpiritualStuff I've written, nothing in perticular just things that I don't expect to be understood.