Jealousy 😒

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Nanon was feeling weird today. That Why was Ohm being so clingy yesterday. He can't think of anything he just started to caressing his hair's.

Now Nanon is attending his class but with absent mind and present body.

"So students we will continue this chapter tommorow" said their teacher and left the class.
*Sigh* He sighed loudly and left his class straight towards his music room.

But he suddenly heard someone's giggling sounds coming from corridor. He walks towards corridor and going to ignore but he stopped his tracks because he witnessed the teacher and student romance in corridor. He clenched his fist and jaw tightly by seeing Ohm hugging a student while smiling brightly.

"Wow yesterday he was hugging me and now hugging this flower boy. He never smiles when he was with me. Whatever I don't care" Nanon said sarcastically in low voice only audible for himself. He walked straight upstairs ignoring the two.

Ohm noticed Nanon but he didn't wanna disturb him. He broke the hug and smiled at his cute student who is crying.
"Now don't cry if they bully you again come to me directly ok" Ohm said while patting his head.

"Thank you so much sir if you don't come on time they already had beaten me badly" Said the student terrified.
"By the way what is your name" Ohm asked with smile.

"Umm my name is Toey Sir" said the boy while blushing. Making Ohm chuckled lightly. He left Toey and walks upstairs to meet Nanon.

 He left Toey and walks upstairs to meet Nanon

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Nanon entered his music room being all frustrated he still can't able to find why he is feeling this way.

"What happened to you Nanon. Why are you behaving like a madman" Prim said while hugging Nanon tightly.

"Nothing brat just thinking about our upcoming band show" Nanon said while hugging her back.

"Don't worry about it you bastard we will gonna nailed it" she said while pinching his chest.

"Ouch! You idiot stop right there" Nanon groan in pain while rubbing his chest. He starts chasing Prim.

"Catch me if you can baby" she said while making faces. Now both are start chasing each other whole music room got filled with their laughter.
Suddenly Nanon pushed Prim on the wall while placing his hands on each sides blocking her.

"Now what will you gonna do Mr. Nanon korapat kirdapan" Prim said while raising her eyebrows challenging him.
"I will gonna do this" Nanon said while tickling Prim.

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