✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Seven *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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"Alright, I need some answers right now, Minho. Since when were you an angel?!" Hyunjin said as he paced across the room. Minho and Chan were sitting in an armchair with Minho laid against Chan's chest.

"I've always been an angel, I just didn't know it until after I met my mom. She told me all about my duties and things like that. The job that Elena assigned me as an Angel of Life is to help Lilith protect the Fields, and my job as an Angel of Death is to help souls find their way to my mother." Minho explained.

"So you're basically a grim reaper." Jisung pointed out.

Minho shook his head. "Not really. The thing that you guys refer to as the 'grim reaper' is actually just another Angel of Death. He finds the souls and brings them to me, and then I guide them to the afterlife so my mom can either send them to the underworld or to their paradise."

"But how do you do it? You're always with someone else and no one's seen you do it." Hyunjin questioned.

Minho shrugged. "It's not really easy to explain. It's almost like I'm in three places at once. I'm right here in front of you, but I'm also in the Fields and guiding souls to the Land of the Dead."

Jisung then looked confused and pointed to Minho's neck. "What's that, Minho?"

Minho looked down and looked confused. Peeking out of his robes was a single word. Just a simple 'I am' in very familiar handwriting.

Minho gasped and immediately pulled his collar down further, staring at the words. 'I am. How can I help you?

Chan saw the words and his eyes widened, staring at the familiar words. The fireborn then noticed words on his arm and pulled his sleeve up to reveal the words 'You... you're magic like me?' in Minho's neat handwriting. The words were gold, just like Minho's were.

Minho and Chan met eyes. "We... we're soulmates?" Chan said, disbelief evident on his face.

"We're soulmates!" Minho shouted, jumping up from the chair in excitement.

Chan ran his fingers through his hair. "We're soulmates." He said incredulously.

Minho felt a small tingle on his lower stomach, so he pulled his shirt up to reveal silver words on his stomach.

'Let's get out of here before those idiots start fighting.' was what was written and Minho looked at Hyunjin, who also started looking for words. Hyunjin found his on his shoulder. They were also silver and said, 'I'm Minho."

Hyunjin looked at Minho with wide eyes. "I knew it! I knew there was no way we weren't platonic soulmates!"

Minho grinned when he felt Chan's arms wrap around his waist. Chan gently set his chin on the top of his lover's head and Minho could feel the puff of air the fireborn let out.

"We're soulmates." Chan whispered once more, a feeling of pure euphoria washing over him.

Minho then started looking all over his body to see if there were more words, finding two more. On his lower back were the words 'Hi, baby.' in a royal blue, which had to be his mother.

And on the inside of his arm, just below his elbow were the words 'Yeah! I'm big man Felix!'

Minho burst into tears at the sight of them, going limp in Chan's arms. Felix was his soulmate. His youngest brother was his familial soulmate, and Minho couldn't do anything to save him.

Chan frowned and sat back down in the couch, gently bringing Minho down with him. The fireborn held Minho gently, giving him time to come back down to Earth.

"It's going to be okay, Love. We'll save him, I promise." Chan whispered into Minho's ear. Minho let out a few deep breaths to calm himself down.

"They won't hurt him any more, Minho. I'll make sure of it." Chan promised, gently kissing the top of Minho's head. Minho just let out a shuddering breath as he felt the warmth of his betrothed.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Before the Fields of Sigarden • Minchan [COMPLETED] *:・゚✧*:・゚✧Where stories live. Discover now