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The Madeleine manor was lively as ever, not that it was unusual. The bright halls differing from the dim night sky, seem to be a ritual for the Madeleine family, holding their nightly chats before bed. The four of them had just returned an hour prior, Wildberry having already ridden himself of his armor, free from the shackles that were deemed weightless to him.

Though tonight, in particular, he found himself entraining the three-woman accompanied alongside Madeleine. Sleep was the last thing that plagued Wildberry's mind, understandable enough. The masked few who tried to steal the soul jam had his thoughts, not to mention the mastermind behind the charade. Having an unknown entity jeopardize the safety of Hollberry's soul jam was worrying enough. He would never let himself live in peace if something ought to happen to it.

Though he supposes his job is to ensure that anything like that wouldn't follow through.

"Wildberry deary, are you alright? you haven't even touched your tea."

Wildberry's eyes meet the blonde woman, particularly the one who made the observed comment on him the other day. Her face was marked by worry, and maybe a hint of curiosity though he didn't care to read into it.

"I'm fine ma'am, perhaps it's getting late."

In all honesty, Wildberry was never that tuned in with the conversation. The only reason he wasn't hitched in his room was because Madeleine seemed persistent in inviting him out for late-night tea.

Wildberry picks up the teacup, downing the liquid in a few gulps. He places the cup back on its silver platter before rising from the sofa.

"I will be taking my leave for the night, I wish you all an adequate rest."

The three women say their goodnights, having Madeleine speak up as well.

"Ah, leaving so soon? well, I wish you sweet dreams nevertheless!"

Wildberry nods before leaving the room, closing the door shut behind him.

The hall he was met was dim and cool only lighten by the candlelight that hung from its walls. Wildberry strolls forward, eyeing the many frames he passed by. The main subject of these pictures appeared to be Madeleine, particularly young Madeleine.

He has never quite seen so many pictures of one person before, it was as if they show his whole life through frames.

Wildberry continues down the hall, though was stopped by an abrupt noise coming from the living room.

It sounded of... squeaking?

Wildberry walked towards the open archway peering around the corner. And to his surprise there laid Cruchcy Chip, on the floor near the couch. He was holding up the puppy toy he bought earlier, seemingly mesmerized by it.

The sight was cute.. to say the least.

"Crunchy Chip, are you not going to bed?"

The man's reaction was instant, tightly squeezing the toy making it let out a loud squeal. He sits up from his laying position to immediately face Wildberry with a scream.

"WAAh- WILDBERRY?!" the man seemed to calm after verbally recognizing the man, "glaciers... you don't sneak up on a Cacaoin soldier like that!!"

Wildberry finally enters the area, strolling over to crunchy chip, he waves tentatively in hopes of the man's forgiveness. "I apologize for startling you, I was just wondering as to why you are not asleep."

The soldier huffs, tossing the toy on the couch near his cream wolf, who happily grab the toy up chewing it for its squeak. Wildberry ponders for a moment how the Madam would feel about wolf fur on her sofa.

Ever Always  Beside You (Wildchip)Where stories live. Discover now