Strange Dream

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Riddle Rosehearts, a prodigal student who always aims for perfection. Or at least that's what he

wants you to think. The heartslabyul prefect is known for his unique magic


which puts a collar on someone and blocks their magic, this collar can only be removed

by Riddle himself, or so everyone thinks. Other than his background and strive for perfection,

what else is really known about him? Nothing. Riddle Rosehearts is both mysterious and

dangerous, those two make a powerful combination, he is a force to be reckoned with. But who

is Riddle Rosehearts underneath the facade he puts up? What's below all the thick layers that

have been put into place since he was a child? Memories that are deep within, twisted and too

cruel for him to bare that Riddle himself does not remember. If you look closer then you can see,

the cracks that have started to grow, and as much as Riddle wants, they will not stop growing.

Not until there is nothing left, not until only shattered pieces remain.

"Their voice means to deceive you, my voice just wants to lead you!"

An endless sea of darkness, stretching vast and far, not a single living thing in sight, all withered

away. He was walking, and walking, until he finally realized that there was no point in trying,

there was nothing left. He had failed, he failed to save them, the little voices stuck in his head,

refusing to leave. Suddenly a sound was heard, a voice, something living! The boy ran towards

it, he couldn't refuse it's calling. When he finally reached, there was a mirror in front of him. A

familiar mirror reminding him of a memory he can't quite recall. A hand reached out from the


"Take the hand and never let go"

Someone, anyone! The boy called out, but it was hopeless, there was only him and the mirror.

"It's starting to leak and time is running out, you must remember why you were brought here. You must remember what you have long forgot. 

For me, 

for them, 

for everyone.

 Grab the hand and never let go!"

With a sudden jolt, Riddle woke up in cold sweat. His head was hurting and it wouldn't stop. As

he tried to get up, he stumbled and nearly fell over but grabbed onto his bed for support. Riddle

clumsily walked towards the bathroom, he needed to get ready for the day, headache or not.

The morning started with waking up at 6:00 am sharp, it was rule 523: one must always wake

up at 6:00 in the morning and Riddle would never break a rule. His mother had taught him that

breaking rules would only lead to chaos, and his mother was always right. After all she was the

most respected healer in the Queendom of Roses. Riddle began to get dressed and do a dorm

check on his fellow classmates. When you live in Heartslabyul, you must follow the queen's

rules, so if the rules say wake up at 6:00 then everyone must wake up at 6:00. He walked down

to Trey and Cater's room, the two shared a room because there wasn't enough space. He

knocked on the door once but no one answered. He knocked on the door once more, but still no

one answered. Riddle thought they had left to go buy groceries at Sam's shop, Cate has been

talking about getting a newer phone. Riddle simply waited for 5 minutes then left to the first years

dorms. He knocked on the door but no one answered this time either, Riddle was starting to get

impatient and knocked rapidly. He was met with a rather sleepy and quite upset Ace Trappola.

"What do you want banging on my door this early!" he asked while yawning.

Riddle couldn't believe it, the first year just woke up and it was 6:15 am! This was a clear

violation of the queen's rule!

"According to rule 523, you must always wake up at 6:00 in the morning" he said in a very grouchy tone. The first year made an uninterested face,

"So what? Another one of your stupid rules" he said about to shut the door.

Riddle's face was bright red, he was beyond angry and he was already tired from that crazy

nightmare he had. He had given the first year a chance by stating the rule, Riddle expected the

boy to be frightened by the fact that he broke a rule, but instead the boy just shrugged it off.

Trying to slam the door in his face was one thing, breaking a rule and not even caring about it was another!


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