Avoiding 😕

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After that Nanon always try to avoid Ohm purposely. Whenever Ohm come to talk to him he always locked himself in his room. He never talk to him nor he try to bully him again just giving him silent treatment. Ohm got fed up with his behavior now he can't able to control his temper.

When he entered in Nanon class. He didn't even look at Ohm once making him more angry. Ohm was missing the rebellious Nanon who always try to find different ways to annoy him.

After completing his lecture when students start leaving the class one by one he spot Nanon who was again trying to leave the class silently.

"You can't leave now stay here I wanna talk" Ohm said strictly while grabbing his wrist tightly. Stopping him from going further.

"Leave" Nanon said with poker face.
"Why are you avoiding me Nanon I don't like when you give me a silent treatment.... Please talk to me please I'm begging you" Ohm said with pleading tone. He quickly grabbed Nanon by his shoulders firmly while looking into his eyes.

"Why ?... aren't you happy that now I'm not bullying you now. Why do you want to hear my voice so desperately huh?.... What we are friends?.... No right so stop annoying me and leave me alone" Nanon said coldly while maintaining his poker face.

Right now he want to punch Ohm on his face badly. And tell him to stay away from that flower boy. But he can't... why would he. He doesn't have any right on him Ohm can do whatever he wants to do it's his life.
But deep inside he was cursing himself for feeling this way seeing him close to someone else makes his heart ache.

He still don't know why he was avoiding Ohm and behaving like this but he can't able to control his emotions. If he stays here for a little bit longer he will definitely burst out in tears infront of him.

"For God sakes Nanon don't do this to me.... I don't know what is our status.... I just want you to not ignore me anymore Please Nanon"Ohm said in low tone he was in verge of crying.

But Nanon jerk his hands away from his shoulders roughly.... And pushed Ohm away from him and start walking towards exit without looking back he slam the door shut. Leaving Ohm fully devastated a tear fell from his eyes.


Nanon's condition is not so different from Ohm he was also feels devastated and confused... But he can't control anything he decided to go back and apologize him for his behavior.

He turned back and walks towards his class. When he entered the  class...again he witnessed their sweet moments they both are hugging each other.... He clenched his fist and glare at them with cloudy eyes. He immediately left the class because he don't wanna be a third wheel.

"I hate you Ohm Pawat I hate you" Nanon said while crying. He roughly wipes his tears from his eyes. And started to run outside.


"Thank you Sir because of they didn't bully me today" Toey said smiling while hugging Ohm.

"No need if they do again feel free to tell me ok" Ohm said in low tone he broke the hug.

"Sir can you please drop me home today please"  Toey said pleading. Ohm said nothing he just nod his head.

Nanon was waiting for Milk outside the campus impatiently then suddenly his eyes fell on Ohm and Toey. They both got into Ohm's car and then drove away.


A loud horn snapped him from his thought he look behind him. Milk was honking on him.
"Don't you wanna go home Non" Milk asked his brother while raising her eyebrows.

"No Phi can we go back to our music band room. I changed my mind and inform everybody that we will gonna continue practice today" Nanon said in low tone he quickly head back to his college being all gloomy.
They all practiced really hard today now all them got very exhausted so they decided to stop their activities.


"Non I am going to stay at Prim house today and Dad is also out of town for his business meeting. So you have to deal with him today alone Good luck little bro" Milk said while dropping Nanon infront of their house gate.
"Shit"Nanon sighed loudly now he have to face Ohm alone.

When Nanon enter his house he walked straight towards living room.
And got shocked to see Ohm is waiting for him sitting on sofa and glaring at him angrily.

And got shocked to see Ohm is waiting for him sitting on sofa and glaring at him angrily

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He ignored him and start walking towards stairs

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He ignored him and start walking towards stairs. He doesn't wanna pick a fight with him. But stopped in midway when he heard a loud voice from behind.

"STOP RIGHT THERE NANON KORAPAT KIRDAPAN" Ohm yelled at him from behind. He got up from sofa furiously today he definitely gonna lose his control.



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