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"Wake up, wake up. Hehe."

I heard a voice, calling out to me to wake up. As I did my best to open these tired eyes of mine. I seen the person in front of me giggling with a smile while tickling my tummy.

"Your finally awake!", he speaks delightfully. As I gradually became conscious. I saw who it was. Miyano? Why does he look so much bigger than me? Aren't I taller? I have so much questions.

Miyano carried me to his arms and gives me a big hug. The warm feeling of it.

He takes me to the front of a mirror, it was large to me as well. Just when I looked at myself, I stunned. Why, why am I a cat??? The mirror reflected Miyano holding a cat with dark orange fur, there was black and white spots on the cat's body. And the cat was ME! I look at Miyano and open my mouth to say something out of panic but all it came out was a-

"Aw, so cute.", Miyano pats on my head.

Noo, I can't talk? Oh well, what was I thinking? A talking cat would freak him out..but I have more questions now. Why am I a cat? Is Miyano my owner? I would rather be a dog or a cute puppy to him. And why is my fur having these weird black and white spots?

While I was deep in thoughts, Miyano went on to take me to the bathroom. He puts me down slowly on the floor. He starts brushing his teeth. Ah, so it was morning now. Still feeling weirded out, I can only stare at him to ease up my situation.
After that, he went back to his bedroom, then he opened his closet. Wh-wha, is he going to change now? But-but

Miyano took a shirt out from the closet after some choosing. I couldn't think what to do so I ran out of his room in a hurry while he starts to change.

I quickly ran under the dining table. I roll myself up and I can feel my temperature going up. If I was still right there, I would be looking at him changing. Even know I'm a cat now, doesn't mean I can just look at him however I want. I calmed down after a few seconds. I stared at a chair near the dining table. I started thinking an idea. If I'm a cat now, I can jump easily up there right? Out of curiosity, I jumped, thinking I could make it. Soon, I was falling half way. Oh no, I haven't jump with a cat's body before, ofc I would fail. Just when I thought I would fall to the ground. I heard a sound, and then I fallen into someone arms. I was saved.

"Phew,you almost hit the ground..thank goodness.", Miyano holds me tightly. He sits on the ground and hug me. I somehow liked this.

"Why did you ran away out of the room earlier hm? ", he asked me but didn't expected an answer. since I'm a cat, I can't talk.

"Sasaki, be good next time.", Miyano pokes my nose softly.

Huh? My name is still Sasaki in this cat form.. What he said just now,"be good"..haha. I feel weird when I heard that.

Miyano continues to sit on the ground and starts touching my paws. While I close my eyes to enjoy this.

Ah, how I wish to be with him right now as in human form.

A few seconds, I felt like my body started to grew. I open my eyes and blink a few times.I realize I was on top of Miyano. Both of our faces are so close to each other. I could see Miyano's lips clearly in this way. Miyano was in shock and just blankly staring at me. This position isn't right..I move backwards from him to keep some distance, I raise to see my hands. I have fingers!

So I turned to a human? How? This is getting more complicated.My head feels heavy..

"H-human cat?", Miyano points at me with a confused look.

I touched my head and I could feel there's something furry and pointy. Cat ears. I realized something and looked at my back quickly. Ah! I still have the cat tail.

"It's m-me! Sasaki..", I can speak now.

"You're..uhhh",Miyano have so many questions in his mind.

I sighed cuz I also don't know what's going on. I sat down and wait so that he can calm down. I know this situation might be complicated but I will explain things to him later. Ah, my neck starts to hurt. I touch my neck and realize there's something on my neck. A collar. I looked clearly and there was Miyano's name on the collar. Eh, how did I noticed this till now?
I'm back and will disappear again

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