Small Rectangular Pool

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Y/N: Reader/Your Name
F/N: Reader's Bestfriend
P/N: Reader's Partner
Fs/N: Another Friend

You're in your car driving to the pool party knowing you're late, you hear a text pop up on your phone, it was your bestfriend.
"Y/N where are you?? Whatever you're doing, do it fast, something i know you like just arrived ;)"
Typical ol' F/N.
You look at the time. 9:30 am, you were supposed to be there at 9am.
You arrive at the party feeling.. nervous all of the sudden...

"Y/N!" You hear a familiar voice say, you turned your head and only seeing a glimpse of them, your stomach began to flutter with butterflies, it was P/N. Your one and probably only crush you had for the last 2 years, you guys havent talked for a while as they were at vacation, "H-hi..!" You trip with your words, not knowing what to do, you ended up standing still.  P/N hugs you tight trying their best to save the questions, they.. werent this touchy with me before.. you see F/N in the corner of your eye smirking at you. Typical F/N

P/N drags you to the rooms helping you with your bags and putting them in your designated room (which you found cute), and what a surprise, F/N grouped you, P/N and Themselves in one room. Ah F/N, your typical ol' friend.
It was almost time for the program you and F/N made, the theme was floral so you ended up with pink, white and green floral shorts and a rashguard croptop with long sleeves, the same pattern as your shorts.

You go down to the pool and see some people in the pool, some by the stage, and F/N at the side talking to someone, thinking their talking to the DJ, but when you saw a glimpse of the person they were talking to their crush, so the typical friend you are, you took out your phone and played some jazzy music on full volume and walked passed the two slowly, Sweet, Sweet Revenge.

After the program, it was already 5pm. Wow, time flew really fast, there was alot of people in the big pool, and you realized there was another one closer to the rooms, a rectangular pool. There was only a small amount people there, they were all at the big one since it wouldnt fit all of them in the rectangular one. At one point, you all decided to play dodgeball in the big pool, but with a twist.

Two teams, half of a team on one side, half at the other, and the opposite team in the middle, the two halves of a team will be throwing the ball at the team in the middle, you hit someone, they are eliminated, catching a ball gives you one life, and you can use that life to revive someone else, or just use it for themselves, Your team was up for dodging the ball, and you were killing it, catching all the balls that came at you and you were at 3 lives and revived 4 players, while trying to catch a ball, you swam at it and didnt realize that someone was there and came crashing to P/N's arms, you guys quickly pulled away and ignored it.

After, Your team won! And one of your rich friends gave the teams 50 dollars each for winning, it was worth the 5 hours. Everyone got out of the pool and most of them decided to play some board games, and the others went to sleep, you were one of the ones who played board games, along with P/N, you guys decided to play "The Game Of Life" boardgame that you brought, but there were 8 players and only 4 cars, so you guys decided to go in teams of 2.

"Hey F/N, wanna be teams?" Y/N says, "Sorry Y/N, im with Fs/N, guess you're gonna have to be teams with P/N" F/N says while smirking, Your typical 'ol F/N.. "Hey, dont worry, we're gonna crush them" P/N says, which made you feel more confident, yet butterflies errupt your stomach.. of course, you guys won, its a wattpad story afterall, after a few more games, you guys decided to go to sleep.

3 am. You woke up, cold blooded sweat, you had a nightmare. You look around the room, and only see F/N sleeping, the other bed empty. You go outside, thinking you needed some air. You go out in the garden by your room building, and wow.. the greenery was gorgeous.. you always had a thing for greenery, its just the beautiful flowers and the shapes of the leaves you found appealing. Exiting the garden, you saw P/N by the Small, Rectangual Pool, playing with the water with its feet.

They see you, eye contact forming, you broke the silence by saying "Uh, its a little late, shouldnt you be asleep?", "I should say the same thing for you" P/N said in a joking matter, "I guess so" you said.
"You wanna go for a swim?"
"At 3 in the morning?"
"Why not?"
"..alright, fine."
P/N smiles sweetly to your answer, you guys changed to your swimming clothes, and hop in, luckily the pool was warm, and you guys didnt have to freeze to death.

While swimming, you guys bumped to each other again, this time.. you guys didnt let go.. their face dangerously close to yours.. they hold your waist tight, you can feel it under the water, their other hand carresing your face, they pull you close, and you kiss, a sweet, and warm kiss, it lasted a few seconds, that felt like hours. You guys pull away and P/N looks at you stunned, yet happy. They said;
"I've been waiting for this moment since forever.."

The End <33

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2022 ⏰

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