Chapter 1: Return to the past

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Cold emerald eyes stared down at Fluke as he crawled nearer. The clinking sound of chains around his ankle dragged across the cold floor, "Your majesty... I beg you..." Fluke pleaded as tears streamed down his face. Eyes filled with anxiety and betrayal as his whole body ached and bruised from the endless torture he experienced the last few days.

The man wearing a golden crown and royal cape kicked him off his leg and dusted the spot Fluke was hanging on to. "Don't you have any shame!?" The once soft voice yelled at him. Fluke shook his head as more tears came down, "Your majesty! It wasn't me! Please, believe me!" He begged again, but the other man turned his head.

Underneath the opening of the dark dungeon, a girl with long flown hazelnut hair was looking with pity in her eyes. A handkerchief hiding her lips as she quickly hugged the man's strong arms, "My love, have mercy on my older brother," she pleaded.

The man sighed and cupped her face gently while rubbing his thumb on her rosy cheeks, "You've suffered enough from your brother's wrath. I shall not forgive anyone who dares to harm you," He glared back at Fluke, who trembled at his dark gaze. The girl could only nod in agreement and they both walked towards the door of the dungeon where Fluke was being kept.

Fluke wanted to call out for his sister, but the moment he tried to open his lips, she glanced over her shoulder and hid a grin behind her tear stained handkerchief. Fluke's world shattered and everything he worked hard for was now destroyed and taken away by his very own sister.

Looking down at his broken nails and skinny bone arms, his vision got blurred by his tears. Soon, guards entered the room and forcibly grabbed him by his arms. Dragged outside, he shut his eyes by the sudden sunlight. Being imprisoned for a week, Fluke thought he would never see daylight ever again.

Just when he thought that the worst had passed and maybe the prince had granted mercy on him, his eyes landed upon a tall wooden pole in the middle of the square surrounded by countless wood and branches.

His eyes grew as he struggled inside the iron grip of the two guards holding him, "Y-Your majesty! Your majesty!" He shouted, but to no avail as the prince and his sister stood on a higher platform sitting on their thrones. A place Fluke always dreamt of.

He was then tied up with a long thick rope that burned his skin as they pulled it tighter. Pressing almost all the air out of his lungs. His terrified eyes searched for someone who could help him, but only judging eyes stared back at him.

"Today is the day where peace will finally come back to the palace. Years of torments and malicious acts had finally found its justice, by burning the cause of this problem," The prince announced. Fluke squirmed, but it was too late as the torches started to lit up the first branches.

"Sierra!" Fluke called out his sister, "I was framed! You know all too well that I would never do such a thing! Sierra, please! I beg you! Tell them the truth!" The girl flinched back and her whole body trembled in fear. Tears started to fall and the prince quickly hugged her tight, "Burn him!" He announced and the fire finally spread wilder and wilder.

The crown cheered as Fluke screamed in pain and agony as his flesh was being burned. He looked up at the clear blue sky and closed his eyes. With his last strength, he glared back at the couple right in front of him. The blazing fire reflected in his dark eyes as he gritted his teeth.

"Take me back from where I came. To time and place that are the same. Let past be present. That time regain." Everyone's eyes grew as Fluke repeated the spell over and over again, until the clear sky was covered in dark rumbling clouds. Lightning suddenly hit down and the fire grew like a fireplace, glowing the main square in red and orange.

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