just so we are all very clear on things, i thought i'd make a rule book for my account, layout and books.
1) translations:
- whilst i will in the future take translations, at this point in time i'm not happy with it right now. rest assured when i feel like i have come to a standard of work where i will accept translations then i will be changing this!!2) layout;
- you can take inspiration from my layout (not blatantly copy it) but obviously credit etc.
- if you want to copy my layout, you'll need to ask for permission and copying my layout is not the same as taking my graphics i make3) graphics:
- simply don't take them.4) characters:
- i always think it's cute if a character from my books has like a cameo in another. but please ASK me and specify how they'll play a role in your book. if it's just a brief mention i don't mind but if they're suddenly a central figure then obvs i probs won't give it to you for use!5) character powers/plot lines of my own:
- especially for powers, i'll help as much as i can in figuring a new one out for you! but say it's something like barbies powers.. then probably not :))
- plot lines: we can always discuss this and come to an arrangement. it might be a compromise or a flat out no. but if it's a plotline i've thought of- then it will be me mostly making the choices6) plagiarism:
- i feel like this is self explanatory? don't plagiarise me!generally just be kind, i think. live laugh slay :))