Friend's 🥺

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Ohm walked towards him with full rage he suddenly grabbed Nanon's arm roughly turning towards him.

"How dare you to ignore me huh!..... You make me cry today Nanon. First time in my whole life you makes me feel like this.... You break my heart" Ohm said while glaring at him with his fierce eyes.

"It's not that important Sir.... Please like I told you before please don't bother me" Nanon said in low tone while closing his eyes because he doesn't wanna show his weakness to Ohm.

"It's not important? Why are you behaving like this don't do this to me Nanon..... Please look into my eyes" Ohm said while cupping his face and caressing his cheeks tenderly.

"Why are you behaving like this Sir. Where is your strictness huh? A well mannered officer like you shouldn't behave like this" Nanon said pissed while making an eye contact with Ohm.

"Did you cried Nanon? You are burning with fever" Ohm said panicking when he noticed his red and fluffy eyes and his high body temperature.
He checked his forehead and neck area with his hands.

"Why do you care ?.... Leave me.... now I don't wanna be here I'm leaving" Nanon said with poker face. He removed Ohm hands from his cheeks. And starts walking towards exit.

"I'm not allowing you ! Now you can't leave me this time" Ohm said with low and dangerous voice his aura suddenly got changed. He grabbed his wrist again stopping him.

"Who the hell are you? Don't you dare to contr...." before Nanon can say anything further Ohm already lift him up on his shoulder like a sack of rice.

"Shut up I am not listening to your any kind of nonsense now" Ohm said pissed he had enough of it. He will not surprised by himself if he ties Nanon in his room and lock him forever.

"HEY YOU PSYCHO! PUT ME DOWN YOU CAN'T FORCE ME" Nanon yelled at him he started to hit his back. But Ohm is not stopping he takes Nanon upstairs to his own room.

"What the hell are you deaf put me down" Nanon snapped at him while struggling from his hold.

Ohm put Nanon inside his room and lock the door shut. He again looked at Nanon with his fierce eyes started to approach him.

"W-What a-are y-you d-doing don't come n-near me" Nanon said shuttering he gulped in fear and started to backing away from Ohm who is approaching him with his pissed look.

" I SAID... DON'T YOU DARE TO COME NEAR ME" Nanon shouted when his back got hit with the wall.

"What will you do huh?" Ohm said in deep tone locking Nanon completely while placing his hands on his each sides.
He came more close to his face while breathing heavily. They are only inch apart from each other lips.

"Are you gonna harass me again" Nanon asked sarcastically while looking into his eyes.

Ohm didn't say anything he just pulled Nanon towards him with full force by his waist. Hugging him tightly while nuzzling his nose on his neck.

"What are you doing leave me Ohm Pawat! I'm warning you" Nanon said while trying to free himself.

"First he was hugging that boy and now hugging me.... What did he think of me.... a joke" said Nanon in his mind tears start falling from his eyes. When Ohm again tighten his hug. He can feel Ohm lips touching his neck and his hot breathe hitting his neck.

"Let me take care of you please Nanon" Ohm said in soft tone still hugging him tightly while inhaling his  addictive smell. Afraid if he will release him. Nanon will leave him alone again.

Nanon doesn't say anything because he was not in the mood of arguing with Ohm. And he also knows that he can't able to fight his hold.

Ohm broke the hug and wipes Nanon tears with his thumbs tenderly. He brightly smiled at Nanon then immediately called the doctor.


After the Doctor came he immediately checked Nanon's condition and gave him some medicines. Now Nanon was sitting on Ohm's bed still sulking and Ohm was preparing dinner for him.

"Don't be mad at me Nanon please" Ohm said while placing the food on table beside his bed. He quickly sat infront of Nanon while showing his puppy eyes.

"I'm not mad at anyone. But why are you behaving like this? You are giving me chills" Nanon said while making a disgusted face.

"So Mr. Nanon korapat kirdapan will you be my friend! What's say" Ohm said happily while extending his hand towards Nanon for a handshake.

"NO ! I DON'T WANNA BE YOUR FRIEND MR. RUDE" Nanon said while folding his hands up to his chest and turning his face towards his left direction.

"What did you say I'm rude right?... Let me show you the real meaning of it" Ohm said in deep voice and with serious expressions.

"Excuse me ! Are you threatening me" Nanon said turning towards him while raising his eyebrows and making an eye contact with him.

"If you try to turn down my proposal for being friends.... Then I will make you regret" Ohm said while maintaining his eye contact with Nanon seriously.

"Whatever I'm turning down your offer. Do whatever you wanna do" Nanon said with smirk while challenging Ohm.

"Ok then as you wish" Ohm said with mischievous smile making Nanon confused.

He pushed Nanon on bed and straddle him. Nanon gulped in fear he shut his eyes tightly.
"You gonna regret this one" Ohm whispered in his ears seductively. Then suddenly he start tickling Nanon mercilessly. Nanon start laughing loudly while trying to stop Ohm.

"PLEASE, PLEASE I'm surrendering... Ok happy.... Please stop I can't breathe" Nanon said while laughing.

"Then friends" Ohm asked still tickling him non-stop.
"Ok friends"said Nanon while wiping his tears.

"Thank you so much friend"Ohm said while hugging him tightly putting his whole weight on him.

"I'm hungry let me eat first!.... And get away from me you are so heavy" Nanon said trying to remove Ohm who is laying on top of him.

Nanon wanted to eat by himself but Ohm insist him that he will feed him. After finishing his dinner Nanon start walking towards his room but Ohm stopped him by saying he doesn't wanna sleep alone. Nanon try to decline but Ohm again showed him his puppy side wanting his owner to sleep with him.

Nanon has to accept his defeat. He lay beside Ohm. But Ohm pulled him closer while hugging his waist making Nanon shock.
"Good night Mr. Bad boy" Ohm said while kissing his head and pulling him even more closer.
"Good night Mr. Rude" Nanon said hitting his chest lightly while nuzzling into his chest hiding his red face.


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