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Orion sat on the worn-out steps of the ran down monastery that used to be their home. As they gazed up at the sunset, they sigh softly. "Smells like it's going to rain..." they say to themself before slowly standing up and heading into the disheveled building and into the area that they stayed in.

You see, this monastery has been abandoned for at least seven years now. The building itself was very old already and barely holding on, and Orion couldn't keep it from crumbling down.

They lay on the small lump of blankets they called a bed falling asleep thinking of the funeral they'd have to attend in the morning... if they made it through the night without getting sick. As they slept, they dreamed of a forest a very wide forest covered in trees and wildlife. They felt at peace here amongst the trees and wildlife. Yet soon the sun pried them from that peaceful land, bringing them back into the reality of the world around them as they heard people bustling around the road below.

They tiredly rub their eyes sitting up as they looked out the window. Sure enough, it had rained. The ground was wet and tender the wood above them creaking in protest at the pressure the water threatened to release on it. They sigh softly and rub their head grabbing their hairbrush as they look into the broken mirror that resided in their room, eyeballing the necklace that lay on their neck. They start to bush their hair braiding the longer hair that resided next to their face. "I really can't keep living this way..." they quietly say standing up and stretching, a thin black tail making itself known.

Orion changes into dress shirt and slacks slipping on some dress shoes, tucking their tail around their body. They yawn loudly stretching again. "Wonder if Rin and Yuyu will be there..." they say striding over to the door and opening it... 'Was this area always so dreary...' they thought as they walked onto the street people avoiding them.

Orion soon made it to the graveyard, though they hung back a bit seeing a figure they knew well from childhood. There was rin yelling at some brightly clad male. Orion made their way slowly closer but did not approach them. Orion, having not payed attention to the bright figure, ran right into the brightly clad male.

"Oh! My apologies..." Orion grumbles now looking at this man who seemed oddly familiar. "Um, is Rin okay?" They ask worried.

The male seemed to examine them before saying "yes. I would assume for someone who just lost someone close to them... and who might you be?"

Orion looked surprised a bit "Ah yes! I'm Dashi, Orion. My monastery leader was close friends with the father..."

"I see. Well. Mr. Dashi where is your church?"

Orion frowns a bit looking down "it's nothing to look at... say I heard you say something to rin about true cross academy... that's the exorcist school, right?"

The brightly colored male nods.

"I want to join. If rin is going that means Yuyu will be there too! I... owe Yukio my life. I promised the father I'd protect them!" Orion says

The male seems surprised before saying "you do know-"

Orion nods a bit "I do... but I don't care they've been my friends since I was little. The only ones."

The male nods "be at the monastery with rin and I'll be there."

Orion was a bit confused but nods a bit before walking over to the grave where rin was still sitting. They just sat there quietly before setting their churches seal down on the grave quietly walking off. They adjust their glasses before saying "what did I get myself into..."

They made their way away from the graveyard leaving a very confused rin. They walk to the store they had their part time job in telling them that they were leaving to go to a boarding school. They then got some food and new clothes with their paycheck.


When they heard their first name, they looked up smiling seeing their coworker. "Ah! Gumi! Did you need something?"

"Are you really going to leave?" The female asks looking worried.

Orion nods a bit "an old friend of mine recently lost his father... I'm not sure how he's taking it so I don't want to leave him..."

Gumi looks surprised "Orion...that's very sweet."

Orion nervously rubs their neck. "I guess... I'm just helping a friend..."

"Well try and have fun too alright! And bring them by every once and a while!"

Orion couldn't help but laugh "Alright alright I promise gumi!" Orion smiles a bit "I need to go pack... I'll see ya later gumi." They went to pay before walking to the monastery.

They sigh softly at the silence that surrounded them, the only sound being the creaking of the wooden beams. "Wonder if they even remember me..." Orion ponders the thought of their old friends recognizing them after not seeing them for so long.  They hum softly as they packed up their belongings pausing to look at themself in the mirror again. They examine their sharp teeth running their tongue over them, grumbling when the tongue piercing they had bumped against one of their teeth.   They tucked one of the small braids behind their pointed ears.

"If I had known that breaking the original chain on that necklace to try and save them would have caused people to see me so differently, I would have never done it.  Why did I.... it's not like any of them cared any ways..."  They say to themself with a soft sigh. "Who cares.  It doesn't matter now." they stretch again letting their tail loose as they changed out the suit and into more comfortable clothes.  The tail twitches and coils as Orion searches through their new clothes.  "Hmm... What should I wear..." they mumble biting the side of their nail lost deep in thought. They sit on their blankets grabbing a t-shirt putting it on. They sat there a few minutes looking over the place they had called home since they were a baby...  It felt oddly strange to leave but relieving like they were taking a step away from the life that use to hold them down like chains...

Orion The Great.(a blue exorcist fanfict)Where stories live. Discover now