Hidden Forest

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In this vast huge world we live in there are always being higher than your government. Those beings are the key principal of why religion is built around them, those beings are seen as gods who can make your wish come true. There are four beings each having their own domain and purpose to maintain that area. Some believe there is only one, others don't believe that this mystical world we live in has any sort of higher being other than themselves. This is the story that has now been laid out for you.
"I think this is a great stopping point for now don't you think?" A mysterious voice said.
A creature looked up into the person's eye who was reading, their face was pale, but had some darker patches with a vibrant green and golden eye. Their hair was white as fresh snow and they wore clothing that was a pale green and yellow sweater with beige pants. This mysterious person also had long pointy ears with an unusual arm and leg. The figure got up, took a long stretch and looked around the surroundings. They headed off into the forest with the creature close behind following them. The creature next to them was a big bear-like creature with a mask-like face and raven colored fur. The creature sadly lost one of their legs when it was fairly little and the mystery figure took care of it and raised it back to health. The creature is 3 times bigger than the person it follows. The figure and the creature reached the edge of the forest, but by that time it was high noon. The figure stepped out and the creature followed, yet the figure turned around to look at the creature and shook their head no then pointed back to the forest. The creature's head drooped down in sorrow then retreated back into the forest where it waited until they returned. The figure started to wander towards a town that was a station a few miles away.
    It was now a little after high noon once they reached the town. It was bustling with food stalls and families wondering about. The figure went around from one stall to another smelling and gazing upon the new food. They then stumbled into the town plaza which was the busiest of all. The figure finally found the food stall they wanted to buy from then started their little walk to it. Without looking where they were going the figure bumped into a massive, bigger than the creature they have back in the forest. The massive figure turned around like a furious wart hog.
"Oh, that was my fault. I didn't imagine there was another person in front of me. My deepest apologies." The figure spoke.
"HUH?! A little fly dares to speak to me and they manage to ruin my beautiful armor. I just got polished today!" They barked.
The smaller figure started to walk away and head to their food stall they've been looking for, but before they could get the chance to be far the massive figure grabbed them by their collar.
"Are you gonna pay for my rewaxing on this new armor?"
"Why? I see no need, the wax is in perfect condition and so is your armor."
"Heh you're a funny little kid. What's your name?"
"I'm Koi, what about you?"
"My name is Commander Hollow, and you getting dirt on my new set of armor really pissed me off."
"Well there's no smudge nor is there any dirt on it."
"Oh yeah??"
The Commander grabbed some dirt from the surrounding area and smudged their armor. Koi just watched them smudge their armor with a face that said Really..
"There is now." The Commander smirked
"Well that was pointless, you just smudged your own damn armor. Did you really have to do that and try to blame it on someone else?" Koi pointed out.
"No, no, no, no you did this. You see you ran into me with that filth that can only stem from a peasant person."
"Who said I was poor? Also why do thugs like you join the army?"
Before Koi could say anything more, they were thrown about 10 yards from the plaza and crashed into the ground. Koi got up leaving a giant hole. One bigger than a normal person would have left. Koi walked back over there, then walked to their food stall. The Commander took one step that could shake the entire planet just to stop Koi. Before Koi could jump past that Commander, the Commander was knocked out by something or someone that was towering over 10 feet tall. Maybe 11 by the looks of them. Koi walked over to the commander poking them making sure they were in fact alive and still breathing. The Commander was still alive, just unconscious. Koi let out a giant sigh of relief. The tall figure walked over to Koi, bent down to get on their hight level then looked Koi up and down.
"Uhh, I don't know what I should say but hello." Koi nervously said.
"Wow you're tiny, I thought Hollow over there threw a bigger person to make that big of a hole." They said.
"Was it that big? I thought it was small."
"Well yes it's massive, just how heavy are you?"
"Well that's kinda rude to ask about."
"Oh! My deepest apologies, my name is General Blight although you can just call me Blight."
"I'm Koi."
"Koi, that's an interesting name. Where are you from?"
"Weeeell I need to get my produce, I'll see you again next time I return to this village.... Maybe."
"But you di-"
Before Blight could finish her sentence Koi walked over to the food stall, got their items and left the town. Blight just stood there watching Koi leave the town.

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