Bloom, My love.

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That's all I ever knew to do. Wanting to shine like the diamond that I am. I was an innocent and pure blooming lotus. Each first days of school was me trying to love and hold everything dear to me. Learning that all I could ever do was bloom even with all the sorrow going around the world. I was made to be the golden child, the one who could do it all, the one who created faith and hope. Bloomed at every chance I got and took the spotlight from the late bloomers. Thought so highly of myself only because I bloomed more than they ever could. Standing tall and confident because I knew who I was. But what would happen, I wondered, if I didn't steal the spotlight of the late bloomers. Everyone had a talent why couldn't I help the late ones bloom as I did? Just wait until I grew up. I would be the best bloomer anyone has ever seen.
What a lie.

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