Camping with the Fishes

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"Goddamn..." I say as I watched the everloving SUN disappear off to the distance. 

"I really need a damn horse... or sumthin'." Multiple snarling, growls, and scratches were heard below me as I sat with the tree leaves. One lil' noise got a little too close for comfort, so I offed the sumbitch by blindfiring a round to its head.



Still didn't make it any less noisy below...

I didn't know why, but I'd attracted some Grimm purely by existing. Must've been the reason that I was angry. Anger. Anger was a negative emotion, and Grimm find negativity just like Sharks find the blood in the water.

I hate to admit- feels like I'm breaking something important- I gotta start smoking from now on.

The thought of... starting to smoke cigerates to a person like me, who knew the risks of addiction, and knew the side-effects of having a lung more decrepit than my grandma's hairy arsehole- I was seriously gonna break a few rules just to stay living in this stupid world.


Nicotine had a property to calm a person's nerves. It was never to look cool, no matter how many Action Movies I needed to watch to convince me to start smoking- I didn't want to smoke, and there wasn't anyway else in my mind that I could've think of to relieve my nerves...

"Alcohol... never tasted it before, but I sure don't like to start ramble off like a drunkerd. Shit's too expensive." BANG. Oh. Right. I looked at SALT's six-round capacity barrel and saw it ran on... can't be sure if this is 9mm or 45 ACP, or... .357 Magnum?

Another thing to mention.

I had to pay for ammo.

It really depended on the sort of Continent I was located in- Vale? Mistral? Atlas? Or fucken... fuck, I forgot. CLICK. BANG! Damnit, nobody told me to remember this shit. And I'm not even a dedicated fan, either!







"Hmm? Aw, fuck." I heard the hammers slamming into nothing, and I wasn't liking it. Re-loading... I proceeded to calmly load the ammo from my belt buckle, but the monsters underneath my 'bed' said otherwise.


"Oh, you-" Before realization could lead to anger, the tree I was on top fell down along with my ass. Assholes, I finished in my mind as I re-adjusted my hat, glaring at the first bastard who committed tree murder and kicked him in the face. 

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