Chapter 1

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"Have I mentioned how beautiful you look?" Jeremy asked as we danced at Jen and Zac's wedding reception.
"Once or twice," I said softly.
"Well you do," he said. "I can't wait to see how beautiful you look at our wedding."
"Our wedding?" I asked, taken aback by his words.
He laughed at my surprise, "I'm not asking, relax. It's a little too soon for all that. I'm just saying, I do think about it."
"You think about marrying me?"
"Sometimes," he said. "Sometimes it's Angelina Jolie."
"Ha ha!" I scoffed, smacking him playfully on the arm. "Jerk."
He grinned that crooked smile of his and kissed me.
"May I cut in?" Taylor's voice interrupted the moment.
"Only if I get to lead?" Jeremy joked.
Taylor chuckled, "I meant to dance with Amelia."
"I know," Jeremy winked at him. "Yes you may. Amelia, would you like a drink for when you get finished?"
"Yes please," I said and he kissed me before allowing Taylor to step in and finish the dance with me.
"I see you haven't told him yet," Taylor said, when Jeremy was out of earshot.
"I'm not telling him now," I said narrowing my eyes in anger. "I am not ruining Jen and Zac's day."
"But you're going to tell him?" he asked.
"I don't know," I said. "I -"
"Amelia," he interrupted in a whisper. "You slept with me this morning. You going to go home tonight and sleep with him now?"
"Shut up," I snapped. "Don't talk to me like that."
"I told Krystal," he said.
"I never told you to tell her," I said in a hushed tone. "I haven't even had a chance to process what happened yet."
"I want to be with you," he said. "I've already contacted my lawyer. I'm getting my marriage to Krystal annulled."
"Thats probably for the best," I said. "But for your sake, not for mine."
"What do you mean?" he asked. "I did it so we could be together."
"I get that," I said. "But I have to figure this a out first Taylor. I love you, I do, but I love Jeremy too. And he doesn't deserve this. I have to figure out what I want."
"I thought you wanted me?" he whispered. "You told me you always thought we'd end up together?"
"And a part of me believes that," I said softly. "But everything is so confusing. I need time to figure it all out."
"Do you do this shit to me on purpose?" he asked raising his voice. A few heads turned our way.
"Lower your voice," I hissed. "You know damn well I'm not doing any of this on purpose."
"Do I?" he asked his voice at the same volume.
"If you don't," I said pulling away from him. "Then you don't know me at all."
I shook my head and turned to walk away.
"Get back here," he said, grabbing my arm.
I whipped my head back at him and through gritted teeth I said, "This is not the time, nor the fucking place. So drop it."
"If you don't tell him, I will," he whispered before releasing my arm and walking away.
"Everything okay?" Jeremy asked, coming over to me.
"Yeah," I said. "He's just pissy about Krystal I guess."
He cocked an eyebrow at me curiously but didn't say anything.
"I swear I don't know what his issue is," I said putting on my best smile. "Don't worry about him. Where's my drink? We're here to have fun and celebrate Jen and Zac, not worry about what stick is up Tay's ass today."
He chuckled and relaxed a bit, "That's true."

"Looks like Taylor's getting hammered again," Jen said, coming over to me later that evening. She pointed over to the bar, where Taylor had been sitting for the last hour or so.
Jeremy was over at another table talking college football with Ike and Zac.
"Yeah he's pissed at me," I sighed. "He wants me to tell Jeremy now."
"And you told him no?" she asked.
"I'm not allowing anything to ruin your wedding," I shook my head. "I still need time to process everything as well."
"And I see he took that maturely," she scoffed.
"Well luckily he's not starting anything," she said.
"Yeah not yet anyway," I said. "He's a ticking time bomb though, it's only a matter of time before his fuse runs out. He threatened to tell Jeremy himself if I didn't."
"He wouldn't?" she asked. "Would he?"
"I don't know what he'd do anymore," I sighed. "I hate to say it but I recognize the signs, I think he's developed a bit drinking problem."
"I've noticed he's been drinking a lot more lately," she nodded in agreement.
"What is with the sour looks ladies?" Zac asked us, as him and Jeremy came over to the table we were sitting in.
"Just discussing something's," Jen answered.
"No, no, no," Zac said. "You do not get to discuss anything that makes you look like that on my wedding day."
"Your wedding day?" Jen laughed.
"Yep," Zac beamed. "I know traditionally the wedding is the 'bride's day' but I think we can make the exception since I'm so pretty."
He flipped his hair back and began vogueing like a model.
We all laughed at him.
"That's better," he said and pulled Jen to her feet. "Now we ended some intense sports talk to come over here and dance with some pretty girls."
"Yeah," Jeremy agreed pulling me up as well. "So do you ladies know of any?"
Zac burst out laughing and I punched Jeremy in the arm. Jen just rolled her eyes.
"Jerk," I teased.
"Come on," Jeremy said, pulling me to the dance floor just as an upbeat, dancing song came on. Jen and Zac joined us.
We were all laughing and having a great time when I suddenly got a glance of Taylor sitting at the bar, watching us. He looked so angry and so hurt. I wanted to rush over to him and hold him, but I knew I couldn't. Not now. In a few hours Jen's wedding would be over and I could sort this whole thing out.


Author's note:

Short and sweet first chapter to get the story flowing. Hope you enjoy!

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