"Hey, can you fix me?"

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“I have a blood quirk that allows me to heal anyone I trade blood with.” That was all it took for the league of villains to let you in. Your quirk was indeed a healing type quirk but it had other properties as well. You could control it like it was water by simply slicing open a part of your body. However it allowed you to mass produce white blood cells which were needed for healing properties. This essentially allows you to transfer your own blood into others wounds to help speed up the process of their recovery, depending on how much or how little you need to transfer. This also meant you could incorporate other liquids in your blood to potentially cause harm to others. Mixing in chemicals such as bleach poisons  and acids could cause massive damage and overall eventually kill someone .With that being said there was always the downfall of how much blood could you actually offer up before it killed you. You had never pushed your limits only having to heal small wounds, cuts or infections but you were desperate for acceptance from the league of villains and were willing to give whatever needed to secure you a place in their little group. Even if it meant potentially risking your life.

It had been two months since you had joined the league and already have proven yourself of great worth to them all. Shigaraki was your main focus, even if he was fine you still spent most of your time healing up his scratch wounds. Before you came along no one really truly knew the extent of his allergy until he removed his clothes. You understood why he chose to wear dark colors all the time once you saw the massive deep cuts along his body. No matter how much they bled he didn't stop he just kept scratching until his own fingers began to bleed. Thankfully your quirk helped him to lessen the wound but it didn't take his allergy away. That was another downside of your quirk: you were unable to undo life long complications, only fresh wounds. You found this out when your mother hit the final stages of cancer and no matter how hard you tried I couldn't rid it of your body. You hoped working with the league would cause you to amplify your quirk and train it to extend its power and abilities. But for now you should focus on what you could do.

Toga of course took a fondness over you due to you two sharing a similar quirk. Even if they were almost polar opposites. Twice thought you were strange and was hesitant to give your quirk a try claiming if he never got hurt he would never need your help. You didn't push the matter further. The Others all seemed to be fine with the help even including dabi although he never actually requested your assistance and most of the time shrugged you off when you offered. You never understood why honestly you didn't understand why Dabi straight ignored you half the time. Yea he’d catch you staring here and there and make a smart remark but that was the extent of yalls ‘relationship’ if you could even call it that. But other than that your days all were the same. Wake up, fix a few broken bones and scratches. Discuss blood techniques over breakfast with toga and twice. Do dishes with spinner and curl up and read unless requested otherwise until dinner is served.

Today was no different other than the fact that spinnerer had managed to successfully bring home a mass amount of alcohol and takeout. When asked how he obtained all this he simply said a friend. No one asked any further questions and just enjoyed the niceness for once.

“Hey, Y/N think you could fix me?'' The sentence followed with a drunken laugh. It was already late and everyone had returned to their respective rooms while you and dabi stayed in what could be called a living room. You normally slept put here on your own so this was nothing new for you to be curled up out here reading however, He was drunk,like really drunk. You hadn't seen him like this ever in the last 2 months you had lived here. Yea  he may have drank regularly but this was different.
“Hey, I'm talking to you, dammit." He was sprawled across the couch, his arm hanging off the side, playing with a half empty bottle of whatever it was he was drinking.
“You gone fucking deaf or something?”. You had a few drinks in your system from earlier innthe bight but definitely not enough to deal with whatever the fuck this version of him was. With an annoyed sigh, you place your phone down on the side table next to yourself where your half empty smirnoff sat. You were seated across from him in an old beaten up rocking chair that had been pretty much claimed as your own the moment you showed up because it was so damn comfy falling asleep on it had become a norm and occasionally you'd wake up to find a bright blue blanket draped over you but no one knew who put it there. It was always the same blanket with a nice faint scent of burnt tree bark for some reason. Usually by the time you had gotten up and taken your daily shower the blanket had been returned to its proper owner tucked away where you had no access to. You were determined to find out who it was but honestly it didn't matter that much. You could understand why some big bad villain wouldn't want it getting out he was being nice to you.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2022 ⏰

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