Chapter 12: Conclusion

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Shortly after, the rest show up and tie Johnny up. They try to pry the glove from his hand, but he somehow attached it. I ask if they took care of all of the agents and Kevin drags them to the forefront tied up. They all squirm. Kevin, without consulting anyone, takes my gun and demands the glove from Johnny. He does not say a word.

Kevin holds the gun to one of the men and gives Johnny three-seconds. Everyone tells him not to do it, but Kevin shoots one anyway.

"What are you doing? This is not the plan." I shout at him.

Boom. Another shot goes off.

"You're better than this. We don't need to do this." Rebecca adds.

Boom. Another shot goes off.

"You're jeopardizing the plan." Jack pronounces.

He ignores us completely and shoots anyway. Boom. Another shot goes off and blood splatters all over the ground. In eighteen-seconds, they are all dead. I, after the fact, snatch the gun from Kevin's hands and scold him.   

Johnny, now broken out of the tie, points the glove directly at Kevin. He looks about ready to fire, but Jack wraps him up. We try to calm everyone, but it has gotten out of hand. I give the gun to Rebecca and tie Kevin up. He, repeatedly, says that it is the only way to get the gun. There has to be another way.

We decide to let his family go and only use the money as leverage. Rebecca and Alex start to escort them away until Aaron knocks Alex over and punches Rebecca. I try to tackle him, but he eludes me. He takes Johnny's wife and puts his hand around her neck. She shrieks, but there is not a person in the city who is not screaming. He commands that Johnny give him the glove, but he is still hesitant. He gives him one last chance to give him the glove, but he refuses. He immediately starts to choke Mrs. Justice to death, but Johnny suddenly throws the glove at him.

We did it. We got the glove. Kevin and Aaron celebrate, but I'm oddly left unsatisfied. I never would have thought that some innocent men's death would affect me so much. I've spent my whole life trying to do this, but now that I have it, I wonder if it was a waste.

Nevertheless, we got the glove and now we have to destroy it. I saunter over to Aaron and ask for the glove, but he immediately refuses.

"What are you doing? We decided that once we get the glove, we destroy it." I angrily explain to him.

"That's not exactly true. You decided that we were gonna destroy the glove. You didn't ask for my opinion."

"Don't be petty. You know what you agreed to."

"I don't have an agreement with you. I decided long ago to work with someone with more lucrative goals."

"And who would that be?"

"That would be me. You didn't think I was actually going to let you take the glove for yourself, did you? Always so petty." The Waiter appears from the shadows with a smug look on his face.

"I should have known." I assert.

"You should have." The Waiter adds until turning his attention to Aaron. "Now, let's see that glove I came all this way for. I think I'll try it out on Dave's father first."

"I'll pass." Aaron surprisingly says.

"What do you mean you'll pass. The deal was the glove for the money. Now, give me my part of the deal." The Waiter roars.

"I think I'm good. I'll go ahead and keep this for myself." 

Now, since he can feel the power, he cannot give it up. He abruptly puts on the glove and starts to shoot at me and The Waiter. Before he can get a good aim, Rebecca warns me and we all, except Kevin, run for our lives. Kevin puts on Aaron's replica glove and joins his friend in wreaking havoc.

They both shoot down buildings so we can't escape. Eventually, they corner me, Rebecca, and Jack. Alex has turned invisible and Kevin is shooting aimlessly to get him. After limitless destruction, Alex appears from behind Aaron and attempts to take the glove. He tries to run but his ill fated attempt is stopped shortly by the able bodied Aaron. Aaron then aggressively shoves Alex to the ground and points the glove at him.

"I'm tired of all of this. You're crazy if you think we're gonna destroy this.  It might blow up and end the world. This belongs to me and Kevin. We all know you four fools wouldn't last a day with this power." In the middle of his speech, Johnny, mustering all his strength, throws a nearby car at him. Kevin shoots the car and tackles Johnny before he can even lay a finger on the murderer.

"I've had it with all of you. I was going to leave you be, but you give me no choice. You must pay. You all must pay." He focuses the glove on Johnny's head and his wife screams out for help, but no help is coming. Johnny will die.

Aaron breathes in and says one last thing. "The way to petrify people is not to kill them, but to hurt them. I could end your life right now but what would it do. I'm not trying to instill fear into her, I'm trying to instill it in you. The only way to do that is to hurt you, by hurting someone you love.  The world needs to know who they're dealing with."

"Don't do it Aaron. None of them have anything to do with this. I'm begging you. Don't do something stupid." Johnny begs.

"I've never felt sympathy for beggars." He responds.  Instantaneously, he points the glove Johnny's wife and executes her on the spot. Her blood sheds onto her terrified son, Connor. He wails and cries hysterically at the sight of his deceased mother laying on the floor only feet from him. Johnny simply falls to his knees, also crying. We all rush to her aid, but it is too late. She is lost.

With Johnny and Connor sobbing uncontrollably, Aaron looks at me and tells me that I won't be unpunished. He starts to look around as if he has lost something and a thought comes into my head. Alex is nowhere to be seen. Aaron calls for him ferociously, but he won't show his face. He's going to kill him to hurt me. Maniacally, he starts shooting at the ground inferring that Alex is still here. I yell at him to stop, but he doesn't hear a word I say. He is unsuccessful for a long time, but he continues to bring destruction to the city. After endless amount of shooting a red stain appears in the emptiness and a faint whisper emerges.

"Dave, you've changed my life more than anyone. Seeing you again was the best thing to happen to me since Alice.  I love you, son." It then goes silent. I scream at the top of my lungs for my father to return. I feel a hole emerge in my heart. He has vanished forever. I'm just glad I got to see my father one last time.

"This is what happens when you challenge me. Don't ever test me or you'll lose everyone. Including the ones who comfort you as we speak. We're going to rule the world and no one is going to stop us. The world is about to enter a new age. An age of darkness and tyranny. I'm not a savior, I'm a murderer. I'm The Executioner." Aaron exclaims.

They steal the jet-packs and fly far away. I can't let them do this. They'll tear the world apart. Johnny, Rebecca, and I all look at each other and one thing is understood. We need to avenge the death of our loved ones no matter what it takes. We will kill Aaron Live and Kevin Newbanks. We're not heroes. We're not saviors. We're the vigilantes.

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