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[A/N at the end]


>No one's PoV<

It's been a few days after the plan has been in to action.Hitomi is surprisingly good at being on Masumi's side.Hitomi recorded all the meetings and they group finally had enough evidence against Masumi.Now they just needed Masumi to confess when confronted.

The school couple and third wheel Hitomi were walking out of class when the lunch bell finally rang.


A b!tch like voice cried after 33.3% single group.They turned around and saw Masumi and Ai coming towards them.Masumi's voice was so loud that is caught the attention of the other students near by.(Cough cough the school cough)

You:What do you want Masumi?We told you to stay away like 10000000 times.

Masumi just ignored Y/N and looked at Shousuke with Lo-*BARF*Love-*BELH*L-loving eyes.*Vomits*.

Masumi:Everyone!I'm here to confess my undying Love to Shousuke Komi.

Gasp were left the students mouth as they saw the scene unravel infront of them.But Y/N was calm as she saw this coming.


Hitomi came out of the Meeting with Masumi.

Hitomi:Masumi is going to confess her love to Shousuke infront of the whole school and make you angry so you will attack her.And she will get you suspended from school.And her parents will sue yours so you will have no choice but to leave the school and Shousuke will be 'Single'.

-Flashback end- 

Y/N just stared at her,flames of rage in behind her (e/c) eyes.

But suddenly Masumi grabbed Shousuke's tie and k-k-kised him(I can't *Barf*)

Shousuke acted fast and pushed her away and hugged Y/N tightly.

Shousuke:I had enough!

His voice boomed through the hallways,laveing people in shock.

'We've never heard him so angry before!'

All the students were scared of him,from is emotionless face to a face full of fury.


Shousuke:I had enough!I'm sick and tired of your stalker behavior!I only LOVE Y/N!Not you,not anyone else!I Love Y/N cause she's sweet,gentle,kind hearted and is willing to help others in need unlike you. She is the only girl like love that is not my mother or sister,so stop you stupid tactics to break her and I up!I will NEVER like you and never will!So just leave us alone you selfish b!tch!

Masumi just stared in shock before running away in tears.

Shousuke looked down at his girlfriend but just to see her staring him with a gentle smile.Everyone started clapping for Shousuke.Some even had tears in their eyes.

You:You really mean all those words?

Shousuke:Every last one.

Hitomi joined the hug in full on tears.Followed by Tone-Mi and Yamane with Sakura,Nezu,Yachi,Armin and Ni-ki.

After the hugging session,Hitomi felt someone tap her shoulders.And to her surprise,it was Ai Katai

Ai:I-I just want to apologise for what me and Masumi had done,I d-didn't know that she would go that far.

Everyone just stared at her in shock,the hard-core girl had turned soft.

Ai:I respect the Komi-kun likes,no Love Y/N and I hope they are happy.I will not interfere with you guys again.

Before Ai could leave Y/N grabbed her arm.

You:Everyone deserves a second chance right?So lets start over.Hi!My name is Y/N!Wanna be friends?

Ai teared up before hugging Y/N.

Ai:H-hi my name is Ai Katai and I-i hope we can be friends.

Hitomi joined the girls hug while Shousuke admired his girlfriends kindness from afar.Thats something he like-LOVE about her.

-School over-

Masumi got expelled for being a bully and for using blackmail.

Ai Katai turned over a new leaf and started to be more kind to her fellow school mates 

Y/N and Shousuke's relationship grew stronger than ever

Hitomi is still the third wheel.

>Your PoV< 

Finally arrived back home with Shou.His head was on my lap while watched TV.

Shou:C-can you lay down with me?

His question caught me off guard.It was cute as his ears were slightly read.


I laid down beside on the couch.His arms around my waist,legs interlocked with mine,head on mine.His heartbeat slowly lured me to sleep.So calming,so peaceful,a life that I want to be in.We both fell asleep in each others embrace,making sure never to let go.Cuddling into his chest has never felt so safe.

>Authors PoV<

The couple fell into a loving embrace,light shining through the window directly at the beautiful couple sleeping soundly.





They both know that they Love is always within eachother.


Update 2024: Hello Readers, I'll be continuing this boo :D

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