Detention Art Class

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KJ sat at her desk fidgeting with her pencil. It was the last period of the day, but unlucky for her, she had gotten detention. She never gets detention, she doesn't even fully understand how she got it in the first place. It could've been either for tardies or a failing grade. Maybe even both. Something distracted her though, enough to take her focus away from school, which was pretty rare.

At last, the bell had rang. KJ quickly threw her pencil in her bag before heading to the library. She wasn't sure why they chose the library for detention, I mean who doesn't like the library? It's quiet and there are lots of books.

When she reached the library doors, there were already a few of her peers inside. She must've been the last one in because they all starred at her for a good minute. Or maybe they were just surprised to see her; KJ Brandman, the perfect girl at school, in detention. The teacher that was keeping an eye on everyone was her English teacher, it all seemed to work out well though, for both her and the other kids. She'd have her nose up a book and she wouldn't even notice the other kids talking. KJ kept quiet though.

She sat down at the table farthest from everyone, placing her bag next to the chair.

About 5 minutes had past. Her troubled classmates continued to talk amongst each other, and their teacher wouldn't take even a half a second to look away from the books on the shelf.

All of a sudden the library door opened, for the first time their teacher finally looked up, just to go right back into the books. The person walking in became more visible. A familiar face walked through.

"Mac!" She whispered, motioning her friend to come sit.

Mac was confused while KJ seemed exited.

"What the hell are you doing here." The red head asked, siting down in the seat next to KJ.

A few of the other kids turned and looked at both of them with annoyed expressions.

The brunette looked around the room before making eye contact with her friend again. "Tardies. I think... can you keep it down by the way, people are looking at us."

"Whatever." Mac said, laying back into the chair.

"So.." The girl raised a brow at her. "Why are you here?"

"Kaje. When am I ever not here." The red head groaned.

KJ rolled her eyes. "If I'm being honest, its when we're actually suppose to look at books. So what do we even do in detention anyway?"

"Well," Mac said, sitting upright. "We sit down, and we stay quit."

The brunette grinned. "Seems like she doesn't care."

Both girls looked at their English teacher who was still deep into the books.

"She is so weird." Mac said with an insulting smile.

KJ smiled and punched the girl playfully in the arm.

"We have a while before we can leave, wanna draw or something?" She asked softly.

Mac turned to face the girl. "You really believe I can draw?"

"We'll do you have a better idea?"

"Fine." She said, trying to act annoyed.

KJ dug into her bag and pulled out a few pencils along with a note book.

She handed a pencil to Mac and opened up to a clear page in her notebook. Most of the pages were already full of drawings.

"What do we even draw?" Mac said looking at the pencil in her hand.

"Whatever you want." KJ replied, tracing a few lines on the notebook.

"Kaje, I'm serious, what do I draw."

KJ added a few more to the sketch and lifted it up.

"What the fuck is that?" The girl eyed the drawing.

"Really," KJ questioned. "It's a bird, dumbass."

"Ya we definitely don't see the same birds."

The brunette rolled her eyes and pushed the notebook to her stubborn friend. Mac starred at the book for a few seconds before her eyes met back at KJ's.

"Ya- no."

"Ugh let me help you than." KJ scooted her chair closer, placing her hand on the other girl's.

The moment their hands met, Mac felt she was on a roller coaster but couldn't figure out why. Her stomach turned as this girls hand warmed hers.

KJ moved the hand below hers with the pencil, as lines began to appeared on the paper.

"What are you making?" Mac said trying to push away the weird feeling.

"We." The brunette corrected. "And you'll see, just be patient."

KJ's head was right above her friend's shoulder. Mac's hair just barely touching the girl's face. Both blushing red but to focused on their hands and art to notice.

Mac's could feel her hands and face being warmed up. Her heart racing, but once again with the question of why?

The brunette's fingers were still on hers, detailing each line, not to make a single mistake. Slowly tracing along the paper with the pencil and her fingers on her friend's hand.

"There." KJ said, still with her hand still placed on the red head's.

They both looked at the sketch. A simple bird.

"Not bad." Mac said starring at the artwork. Both the girls visually red.

"Do you think you can draw it on your own now?" KJ asked, removing her hand away from the girl.

Mac imminently missed the warmness of her friend's touch. She looked up from the drawing but before she could reply, the teacher announced the kids could all leave.

Both noticed time seemed to had past fast but neither meantimes it. Maybe it was because they were to focused on the art, maybe they just enjoyed one another's company.

"You can keep the notebook for now." KJ said throwing the pencils back in her bag. "Maybe my other drawing can give you some ideas or something." She smiled.

"Oh. Uh ya ok." Mac said grabbing her bag from the floor. Still trying to process everything. They walked from library to the exit, both trying to be as slow as possible to savor the time.

"Who knows, maybe I might just be back in detention another day." The brunette laughed, both girls grabbing their bikes. "I could give you another detention art class."

The red head smiled in response. "Yeah I doubt you'd be seen in detention again, but another art class I'll consider."

KJ smiled. "See you tomorrow I guess."

"See you tomorrow."

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