Chapter 1

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Tommy never had parents, that he knew of. He was raised in a group home full of human children. Thats what people saw it as. However, they were actually abounded avian children. They all had wings that would be hidden from everyone, to the point only said child could see and feel their wings.

They were taught to hide their wings from a young age, to avoid the cruelty of the people that would cut them off so they could have a fruitless attempt at feeling the freedom that flying brought. Also to help hide them from vampires. Those were who the kids were always taught to look out for.


Simple really. The population was heavily vampire dominant. Humans only allowed to live if they were younger than 30 or had young children that still depended on their parents. It has been like that for years now. People lived normally, as if they weren't always nearing and breeding to feed vampires that are too stubborn to drink animal blood instead, as human blood was sweeter.

Avian blood was sweeter, much sweeter. Perfect as a sweet snack or dessert.

The vampires had no rulers, no government, nothing, they were all anarchists, only allowing humans to continue having there own little governments and useless rules so they don't feel completely trapped.

The vampires only rule is to not kill prey for fun. Only for food.

They were allowed to kidnap humans to be servants, only eaten when they mess up, no matter their age. They were allowed to 'adopt' anyone to their coven, whether the person wanted to be part of it or not. Unless they can fight their way out, they are stuck there, forced into a family they fear to anger.

Tommy wasn't close with anyone at the group home. Don't get him wrong, he was greatful for what they did for him, he just didn't click with anyone there. Right now, he was packing up valuables and vital things for survival. Why? Because at the age of 16, all avians leave their nest. And tommorow it was his turn to do  so.

He finished packing and went to sleep, mentally preparing himself for the next day.


It has been a month since he left the nest. He lived on the streets, looking for a job to earn money. He spent the time collecting wood and tools from garbage areas, since machines have replaced tools they were easy to find. With those he started building his own nest- home in a tree. He'd rip appart old furniture and used anything he got his hands on, but after all that hard work, he was finally done. He had a safer place to sleep in than streets where a vampire could easily spot him.


One day, after his shift at a furniture shop he worked in, he met a ram hybrid, Tubbo that was platonically married to an endermen hybrid, Ranboo. They looked a year older than him and had approached him when he was sitting on a bench watching the sun set. They started conversation and for once in Tommy's life, they clicked,  as if they were meant to be friends. They continued to meet up together and hang out. They didn't mind that they were human and could disappear over night if a vampire decided they wanted them as their family.


It had been half a year since they met, and two people came along the way, as people he'd consider trusting. A  40 year old librarian named Philza Minecraft and one of his sons, a musician named Wilbur Soot Minecraft. They taught him a lot about vampires, saying that his other son was part of the sbi coven. The most dangerous and oldest coven in the vampire history. It took Philza a long time to assure him that his other son, Technoblade was perfectly fine, never making mistakes due to him being a perfectionist and always sending letters to keep him updated on what he can.

He never told them where he lived but he wouldn't hesitate to take either of the 4 people he grew close to, to his house the second he deemed them in danger. He learnt from the elder duo that sbi where what was considered the vegan vampires, they didn't eat human blood, only animal and possibly avain if they were to still be alive. All vampires assumed that avians went extinct, especially after them becoming an endangered species of humans when the vampires found out that their blood was the sweetest tastyest blood they could ever have.

He learnt that the sbi were immune to the sun, after years of slowly and patiently and most definitely painfully letting their bodies adjust to the sunlight. How some vampires had gotten jealous of this ability, that would be passed on to anyone they turned, that some of the older coven have started following their example, now able to walk freely on cloudy days; the immunity not yet resistant to the actual sun.

That news made Tommy only more careful whenever he was out of his nest. But alas, Tommy finally did one mistake. He fell asleep watching the sun set, only to wake up about an hour after the sunset. It was dark out, but as Tommy stood he could see red, shiny eyes staring straight at him.

A vampire.

He kept eye contact, legs ready to run hand on both a small pocket knife and his ID so that if said vampire tries to kill him, they could be stopped, and if not, then the pocket knife would bring a small amount of protection.

For every step the vampire took towards him, he took two back. Until out of no where they broke off in a dead sprint straight at him. Tommy's eyes widen as he quickly turns around and runs throught streets and shortcuts, doing parkour out of dead ends only for the vampire to follow up the walls as if they were still on the ground. The vampire was nearing the young avian quickly. The avian didn't know what to do, he was running out of stamina, since as quick as the chase seemed to be, they had been running for hours; it was nearly 3 A.M. and they had started around 11P.M.

The avian had tears in their eyes as he realised he will most likely be taken from his nest, that he only just realised was visible to him. He quickly climbed the tree and used his body to keep the door closed. He could hear the hammering of his heart and his shakey breath as he practically heaved for air, body sore from those 4 hours of sprinting.

The lack of oxygen made him forget that he had glass less windows all over his nest and that the vampire was just entering through one of them. As soon as he realised this, he tried to open the door, only to find that it was jammed. He watched the vampire as he shook in fright and took a mental picture of the vampire.

He had long, braided pink hair, with a pig skull covering the top half of his face. He was wearing royal attire and had a sword at his hip, axe in hand, crown on his head. He took notice of the earing on his ears but only more dread and fear churned in his stomach.

That was a Sbi coven earing.

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