Food, water, survivall

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Trent says "I'm going to check the boys locker room for water" while he left you could hear Trent crying. I went in there and asked "what's going on dude" Trent grabs me by the shirt and neck and shoves me into the locker and we heard a slite rip in my shirt and he screams "what's going on!... Why would you ask that, we are in a war between zombies and we have no food and we are starving to death!". Morgan runs in the locker room screaming "break it up guys!, what's ur problem, fighting in the middle of an apocalypse!." Trent wouldn't let go of me and before a blink of an eye Chris jumps and tackled Trent off of me. I was gasping for air and threw up every were on the floor. I was dizzy and fell on the floor and Maddy runs in helps Morgan lift me up from the floor. I looked up and Chris was pinning Trent down into a head lock and says "we don't fight here... We SURVIVE!". Chris lets go and Trent has blood all over his face and pouring like a waterfall. Trent gets up and doesn't even talk, while I get up and talk with Chris "something Is up with him.. We can't survive if he acts like that". Chris nods and leaves , Maddy and Morgan come up to me and Maddy asks "your not going to kill him right?" I speak back "I don't know". As I start to walk out I here Morgan crying and Maddy trying to cheer her up. i walked into the gym as I heard something clinging like a rock on a piece of metal. In went to the gym and I see Trent making a sphere for hunting food. Trent looks up with dried up blood and mad eye at me and says "here lets go hunting out the back door were there are trails". Right before I left I kissed Maddy on the cheek and said "keep safe" and off we went. During our hunt we saw a big moose that was a beautiful animal, the moose glanced at us, the big black eye ball just stared and suddenly started to charge for food. Trent threw the spere back and caught him right under her chin. I went up to the moose that was laying on the ground and was still alive, but it stopped kicking and all it did was scream and breath. I looked around , the moose noises made the Moose attract the walkers and Trent and I grabbed the moose and drug it as fast as we could inside and had dinner. Maddy was so happy that we brought food that she hugged me super hard and kissed me gently on the forehead. After an hour we made a fire inside the gym and cooked up the moose steak. We had Chris fan the smoke so that the fire alarm wouldn't go off.

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