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Blake's pov/
Song: Jasmine - Jai Paul
I stared up at the black sky, I watched as the white sparkly snow fell down on to my hands. I laughed Feeling snow blow in my face. I looked up to my Dad who blew the snow from my hands in to my face. He always wore fingerless gloves and a big back furry coat. My dad was blond, and brown eyed. He had lots of tattoos covering his entire body he had big mussels. He suddenly picked me up putting me on his shoulders walking with me towards our house it was a small cottage in the woods a small town just outside of the city Rosewood. My mom's long curly black hair flew around in the wind, her bright green eyes watched us walk towards the house as my Dad carried me to the house. I suddenly saw something from the corner of my eyes I stared over seeing a man. He had long black untamed hair and icy blue eyes, His clothes were torn. He stood beside our house very still. Then He walked with a limp he was covered in blood head to toe, and he smiled brightly. Suddenly before I could blink he stood in front of my dad, it was only within a flash. He shoved my dad and my body flew in the air until I fell down In to a pile of snow feeling the wind get knocked out of me. I gasped pulling myself up quickly. I heard my Mom scream loudly I stood up seeing blood scattered across the snow on to my winter boots and in front of me. I didn't dare look up.

"RUN BLAKE." My fathers voice screamed.

I immediately turned running from my house as fast as I possibly could in the snow. My legs were short and only went so fast. I was running out of breath and it was freezing but I kept running. Until I was pushed over I stared up at the man who I saw earlier his face completely covered in blood. I screamed out loudly seeing his eyes were glowing red, he laughed loudly in my face.
"BLAKE I heard a voice yell at me I gasped sitting up pulling myself out of my bed quickly. Max was sitting on the edge of my bed his Blue-Gray eyes down stared at me. He held my shoulders still.
"You were having a nightmare, having a panic attack and screaming in your sleep again." Max said standing up towering over my bed.
"S-sorry." I blurted out
"Why don't you come sleep in my room?" Max asked me I nodded and he picked me up walking with in his arms bridal style. I sighed staring at the clock next to my bed on the way out.
We reached his room shutting the bedroom door I laid down next to him cuddling to him. Max was like a brother to me in a weird way, We've been looking after each other since we first met. He and Johnson were the closest thing I ever had to a family.
It wasn't long until I fell back asleep. In the morning Max and I separated and got ready.
I showered and Dressed myself in my school uniform. It was a black and red uniform with a fitted jacket, button up shirt and pants for the girls of the Day Class. The boys uniform was the same only they had to wear a red tie.

Max and I were the Guardians of our school. Our duties were to help Johnson the dean of our school he was also Max and I's adoptive father, we helped him run his school safely. Our uniforms had Roses embroidered in to the left sleeve. That's how you knew we were Guardians of the school.
Every morning before the Day class, We had to walk to
The Moon dorms building together to lock the gate. Our school was divided by two classes. One class was The Sun Class, they had classes during the day, and then the Night Class who had them during the night. Dad always told us The two classes weren't allowed to mix because the members of the Night Class, were from rich higher class and they were made up of primarily men. The Day class was full of middle class woman and a few men. Most of them would give anything to be in a relationship with a rich Man from the Night class. It was just better to get them apart, to avoid any problems or harassment. It was Max and I's job to keep the peace.
The Two classes were divided by the huge amount of Woods, in between the Two dorm buildings was Johnson's headquarters where Max and I lived. The other side of the Building was used for classes for both the Night class and the Day classes. A few yards Outside of Johnson's Headquarters was an outdoor pool that I used to swim in growing up. Now Johnson never fills the pool with water anymore. It looks boring and neglected vines grew in to it. There was a pond as well in between both sides of campus.
I also knew there was a lake in the Moon dorms back yard.
Max and I reached the Moon dorm gates I sighed grabbing my keys unlocking my side of the gate while Max unlocked the other. We stood for five minutes before watching the Night class members walk from their classes back into the Moon dorms. Max stood checking everybody's name off as they walked through the gates. I studied the Night class members. Their uniforms were White and Red. I only knew a few Night class members by Name. The people I did know were close friends with Luke Nyx, the Night class president.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15 ⏰

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