I'm Here for You

564 10 18

A/N: I just realized that there are trigger warnings in here, so please precede with caution, as this story includes the following:



Involuntary manslaughter

That was all! If you're okay with reading about those things, do go on with the story! ^^

 As you walked in through the door of your apartment, you just barely held it together. Your face already looked tired and strained, but the moment the door closed behind you, it all fell apart. You couldn't hold it back anymore.

 You fell to the ground, sliding until you were on the floor with your back against the nearest wall, and hugged your knees close to your chest, sobbing your eyes out. This had to be the worst day of your life. First, your dad dies in a car crash early in the morning. Then, when you get to work, you're fired on the spot for being late due to being at the hospital for so long and not calling in. Next, your childhood best friend tells you she's moving to Italy with her family and that she won't be talking to you for about a month so that she has time to settle into her new home, so you lose her support until then. Finally, as you pull up to your house, you find out from your uncle over the phone that your mother has committed suicide in response to your father's passing.

 There's not a single time you can think of in your life that could compare to the pain you felt now. Never before had you felt this empty. When Keith and Michael had heard about the news, they immediately called up Cherry and told her everything, and the three of them had been blowing up your phone to offer words of comfort, but it was the usual "It'll be okay" and "Everything will turn out alright".

 Although you knew they were only trying to help, the words were so commonly passed around when others were in pain that they somehow felt. . .meaningless. Like they weren't fully serious in what they were saying and were just trying to make you feel better with empty promises, and strictly because they care but don't know how to react to this problem.

 Muffled footsteps put an end to your overthinking-fiasco.


 You looked up to see Armaros standing in the hallway, gazing at you through red and gold eyes, concern lacing his features in the way his brows curved and his lips pursed at your expression. In one swift leap, he spread out his one wing and soared to your side, clearing the distance between you two and landing beside you to your right.

 "Hey. . ." He folded and unfolded his one wing, as if trying to decide what to do as he reached his hand towards you, then pulled it away again and turned his gaze from you to the floor in uncertainty. Finally, he closed his eyes and spread out his wing again, wrapping it around you from behind and pulling you closer. The softness of his dull feathers made your tense body relax a bit, especially as your form, so small and fragile at the moment, pressed against his dense and protective one. You both sat in silence for a few heartbeats, with Armaros gently stroking the edges of your forehead where it just barely met your hair.

 "(N/n)," he murmured out at last, "What happened?"

 You sniffled softly. ". . .My parents died."

 You felt him stiffen against you, then seemingly force himself to relax, though his grip on you remained tightened. ". . .How. . .?" he whispered.

 ". . .There was a car crash. My father was hit by someone who was driving too quickly. Their car had brake problems, and when the light turned red, they couldn't stop it in time. It rammed into him, and he died of brain damage in the hospital." You couldn't help it. Your voice became choked up as you finished, rising in anguish as you forced yourself to recall the horrors of the day for the thousandth time.

Enfolded in Comfort (Armaros the Fallen Angel x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now