24. ur my truth

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i guess that's why i've given
up. 'cause i could give you all
you want, the stars and the
sun. but still, i'm not enough.

jay had picked up the extra bottles of alcohol on the counter that the rest had forgotten to take with them

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jay had picked up the extra bottles of alcohol on the counter that the rest had forgotten to take with them. behind him was kyorin, holding both of their drinks as she followed him outside. her eyes trailed from jay to the unknown people sitting under a pavilion. she was a bit stunned by how many people she knew but also didn't know.

she was soon stopped by someone with hair that was a very light shade of brown. kyorin was taken aback by the sudden tap on her shoulder as she was greeted with a smile, "oh my god, you're his new girl!"

"jay's? yes, i am?" kyorin said in a confused tone. she had no clue what this girl's intentions were but the fact that it was someone she had not known asking her made her more confused, "i'm sorry, do we know each other?"

the girl laughed and shook her head, "we don't but i think we'd get along pretty well actually. probably more than his ex and i did, but anyways i'm yunjin! it's nice to finally meet you. you're prettier in real life,"

kyorin grew a red face at the random compliment, "wow, well i'm kyorin, and thank you! i actually know nearly no one here besides jay and his two sidekicks,"

"that's fine and they're all pretty cool if you ask me, it'll take you time to adjust since you haven't been around them like everyone else has. i think you'll fit right in though," yunjin reassured kyorin. a warm feeling in her stomach was swirling as she continued to talk to her. as it turned out, yunjin was really genuine about getting to know her. kyorin didn't feel so alone after all.

as jay propped the extra bottles on the table, yeonjun nudged him and pointed out kyorin with yunjin, "quite the social butterfly you got there,"

"hm? her? i wouldn't say that, yunjin probably approached her first. she's nice to talk to, you just need to approach her first," jay explained, watching how indulged she was in her conversation. she was joined by yunjin and her friends who seemed to accept her as his girlfriend. his friends were important to jay so seeing how easy she was getting along with the girls of his friend group made it easier for them. their plan would become more convincing and it seemed to be giving kyorin more opportunities to befriend more people.

yunjin had led kyorin under the pavilion where they sat together on one of the cabana sofas. kyorin passed jay's drink back to him, earning a kiss at the top of her head, "thanks, angel,"

"are you guys going on the senior camping trip?" yunjin asked, pouring herself a drink. kyorin looked at jay before answering while he was too busy setting up the game. other people had started filling up the seats, making her feel more anxious about the game.

"i'm pretty sure we are! we haven't really talked about it though, he's a bit focused on trying to win over my younger brother if you want a genuine answer," kyorin let out a low laugh, sipping on the drink. the familiar burning sensation in her throat was no stranger for her but it was much needed after jaemin had filled those thoughts in her head. he had swirled so much confusion in her head that she didn't want to think of it anymore.

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