Chapter 1 (Edited)

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          It's been weeks since the first broadcast about a man-eating virus. I along with most people hadn't thought it to be true, we thought it could be a scam to get people vote for them since it was election year.

          Though we found out that we were wrong. At first, there were only few reports, then as time went on more and more cases started to pop up. Nobody was sure what to make of this, so most people went on a rampage and started to head south which promised people safety.

        I was soon snapped out of my thoughts hearing the growling of walkers.  I've been on my own with my brother since the first day. I never thought there would be a time where my brother and I would have to rely on each other.

        "Florence, there's one on the left and one on the right. I'll take out right, ok?" My brother, Maverick, whispered at me.

        I gave him a thumbs up as we both came out of our hiding spot.  Maverick went behind one of the walkers and stabbed him on top of the head spilling the walker's blood over him and the ground.

       My body ached knowing I had to kill these things, the smell of rotting flesh made me sick. Just because we had to take care of these things every day doesn't make it any easier.  I felt hands grab my wrist.

     "I'm here to help you, Florence, now stab it."  

       The walker spotted us and started for us.  I pushed Maverick's hands off of me and ran. I've never in my life had to run from something that couldn't even run.  I looked back every so often to see if it was still there. Luckly it wasn't.

    "Yo, Maverick, you good?" He stopped next to me and caught his breath. 

   "Yeah, I'm cool." I straightened myself up and looked out ahead of us.

    "Florence we should find shelter or something. We can't go back to the apartment."

     He grabbed my hand and started to pull me off somewhere. I wasn't sure where he was taking us. He drew his knife into his left hand and carefully watched for walkers. Sometimes my eyes wandered to the woods, where we use to play. 

      My hand slipped out of his as I found myself drawn to the woods.   I found my way to a river of some sort. There stood about five or ten walkers. My body froze like water did in winter. My feet were like dry cement.

     I felt a hand place on my shoulder before guns shots were fired. The world around me started to spin, my hearing went in and out. My body hitting the ground was the last thing I heard.

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