A Quiet Room

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Walking home from school I am followed by a car, I am getting scared and start running. I can't outrun the car. I know who it is because he is the sheriffs son. We have complained about him and nothing gets done about him. Dad has went above him and nothing has stopped me being followed and harassed in school I am half this guys size height wise. Dad has taught me how to evade him and to protect myself, but he has started carrying knives and he is able to get them past the metal detectors in school. I think he has something in the security guards. I finally arrive home by cutting through backyards and hiding from Jose Rodriquez and Alvin Lincoln. I know if they catch me what they will happen. What has happened to other girls who have caught their eyes. Two tried to get them prosecuted but things happened to other family members so the dropped the charges. Dad is trying to get us out of Montesano and now has a new job that he is going to have a place for us to move to in a couple of weeks. Louis is home and he has a black eye. He won't talk about it. I grab him an ice bag and he wraps it in a towel and puts it on his eye.
I walk in and see Louis's black eye and ask what happened like I don't already know what and who did it. Carla called me at work and told me what had happened today including Anastasia being chased by Jose jr and Alvin from school and all the way home. They had already gotten away with raping two other girls. The two girls had their families. We need to get out of this town and it is getting worse Jose Sr is now tormenting Carla and I at work. We are packing up tonight and leaving no matter what. Dad tells Louis and I to go pack up what we can carry so we can leave as soon as possible.
I am halfway home when Jose Sr pulls me over to harass me. He and Richard Lincoln have been harassing me like their sons are harassing Anastasia. Her breast developed faster than we could get her out if this town. I am dragged out of my car and placed in handcuffs for no reason at all. I watch as their sons drive by laughing as the head toward our home. I cry as I know what is next. They drive me to my home and I hope to God Anastasia and Louis get out of there.
I tell Anastasia and Louis to get to the place where I told them to hide. She Carrie's him and their bags out the door but doesn't get far. Louis somehow gets free and runs like the wind. I am held at gun point by both the Lincoln's and the Rodriquez's. I can't help either Carla or Anastasia as they are both raped as I am handcuffed to the radiator. I hear the screams from both my wife and daughters as they are held down and tied to the staircase. I can't get loose and I can't stop them. This is what Montesano has come to. I can't watch anymore. I am hoping it stops and it does but they drag Anastasia out and drive off with her. I watch as they kill Carla with my gun and place it in my hand and point it at my head and blow my brains out.
I watch as they try to find me and I see Anastasia as she hits them with the baseball bat and heads my way. She fall into the hoke and covers us up.
How the hell did that little thing get the jump on you two? You had better find them and fast. We won't be able to cover this up if they are out there.
Jose sr
I have an idea and they won't question it at all. We bury the bodies and clean the place up and make it look like they already left for his new job and town.
Jose jr
We have to bury everything in the house bodies and possessions all have to be gotten rid of. Alvin is doing very little and he wants the Steele's car, dad has told him to forget about it. We are also watching out for Louis and Anastasia. She can't get too far with those injuries.
I toy with my gun and shoot at a bird flying by. Jose jr grabs the gun and asks me if I am an idiot or what? He unloads the bullets and shoves the gun in his backpack and goes and digs another grave. He throws the shovel at me and tells me to bury the body.
Shoot that gun once more and I turn you both in for this murder. Now cover those bodies up while we clean everything out of the house and once done get in here and help us clean and paint it.
Anastasia is unconscious and not moving. I am scared she is dead. I hear something and I peek through the window that dad created so we can see what is going on. I hope Anastasia wakes up soon. She moves and looks around frightened and checks the windows to see if it is all clear.
I grab the money dad hid in here and the other things I was given. I have a loaded gun in a case along with a stun gun. A lighter and hair spray and clothing for Louis and I. My cell phone is fully charged and off. It is a burner phone. We get going and travel through the woods until we have gotten out of the town limit and into the next town. Dad said head towards Seattle and blend in with homeless people. I check Louis over and he has minor scrapes and mine aren't going to heal anytime soon.

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