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This work is full of fictional basis , no real life character,incident, name is related to the real life. Pictures are not mine credit goes to original owners and i just own the story. 18+


Y/N: Again the same boring morning with the same boring Monday.
( Suddenly mom call me from the downstairs)

Y/M: y/n come fast you are getting late for your college.

( You get ready and had your breakfast and go to your college)


???: Hey!! Pabo you are again late
( You ture around and saw...... Your biggest pain and painkiller is behind you)

Y/N: hey!!! Jimin why you hit me??

JIMIN: because you are my best friend.

"We went into the class together while discussing about graduation day "

Y/N:Only three weeks after that we will get graduate. Wooh!! I'm so excited about it.

JIMIN: Ofcourse, I can't believe the idiot like you will get graduated. Omo~ you are grown up now *fake cry*

Y/N:* you hit on his hand* hey stob it..

After sometime the college heartthrob Kim Taehyung enter in the class with his close friend...every girl in the college over him because of his handsome and charming face .....but you don't like at first appearance he was likable to you but his behaviour, his habit of speaking is literally weird !!!! Sometime you just feel creep.

He and his friend jungkook sit beside you and jimin. And you just ignore their presence and continue your work.

JIMIN: Y/n , did you decide what you will do after graduation?? Mine, is clear i will join my dad's cafe.

Y/N: Well, i decided to open my own bakery, as you know I love to cook.

JIMIN: And i love to eat them *he says while kissing your hand *


( Suddenly that boy with handsome face and his coconut head friend say to us)

TAEHYUNG:Y/n ...*shuttering* ca..n. ..we .tal...k.

(You were surprised,that was first when he said something to you.)

Y/N: Go on!!!

TAEHYUNG: Can...w....e fri..end.

JUNGKOOK: He means all of us. Actually we never talk to eachother but soon we all are getting graduated what if we all become friends.

(I was thinking...then Taehyung just give his hand for handshake...i was about to do...but suddenly jimin did a handshake instead of me)

JIMIN: ofcourse!! Why not , hey I'm jimin.

( We accept eachother proposal..but jimin suddenly excuse us and take me to the corner)

JIMIN:What do you think about them??


JIMIN:Do you think they are good , i genuinely find them creepy.

Y/N: shut up jimin!! You are thinking so much . Now let's go we have to decide for our graduation day.*take him while pulling his hand*

MEANWHILE ( at the corridor)

TAEHYUNG: She is m....y!! Sh...e i..s my fr..iend!! Jungkook...di...d yo...u s..he is my frie...nd.

JUNGKOOK: yes hyung!! She is your friend. * Jungkook silently seeing his hyung who is laughing like manic*

This side of Taehyung which is only known by jungkook.

TAEHYUNG:* laughing like psychopath* Hehehe.......SHE GOING TO BE MINE!!! SHE GOING TO BE MINE!!! Hehehe .......


Author: Was Taehyung really obsessed with yn or suffering from any disease.??

Wispers Of Crimson Shadow (Psycho) || Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now