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It had been a chilly morning as Lacey walked to work for her morning shift at Kane's. It was the only diner within walking distance from the little two bedroom house she had called home ever since the death of her beloved parents. Though Kane's had been her only real home.

The doors were already open due to her only best friend and manager, already getting things set up for the day. The smell of fresh coffee brewing, brought a smile to her face as she greeted her best friend and coworker.

"Good morning bestie" Lacey greeted Mia happily. Mia turned to the mention of her name and returned the smile and sauntered over to her coworker, giving her a gentle hug. "Ready for another long shift?" Lacey groaned as she pulled away and headed to the back to fetch her apron along with a notepad and pen.

Not long after, their usual costumers entered the diner and took their seats. Lacey wrote down the orders and when the food was ready, she served the costumers with southern hospitality and a smile.


As Lacey cleaned the booths and tables, her favorite customers thanked her for the genuine hospitality as they headed out the door.

The day carried on like it always did. Only to her dismay things took an awful turn when her legal guardian/owner of the diner, made an appearance to see how things were progressing. Her god parent had always shown his disdain of being her guardian and at times Lacey felt like a burden.

Mia had noticed her discomfort and gave Lacey a reassuring hug. Glancing his way she said to Lacey "one of these days your wings are gonna set you free and you're gonna soar high and fly far away from this shitty place" Lacey couldn't help the laugh that escaped from her mouth.

"Mia it would take one helluva miracle for that to happen, besides why would I leave the only person that appreciates me and my knack for superheroes" Mia rolled her eyes playfully and pulled Lacey by the arm, dragging her to the office.

Lacey glanced around to make sure there wasn't anymore customers before stepping all the way into the office. A tired sigh escaped from her as she hung up her apron.

Mia dug into the bottom of her bag and pulled out a paper bag with something in it. "I've been meaning to give this to you but my littlest one had the flu and well you had to cover my shifts, so now the time has come" Lacey turned to look Mia and the mystery bag, hesitantly taking it from Mia's hands. Lacey gave her best friend a quizzical expression.

She opened the bag and gasped in utter shock. It was the newest comic edition for Superman. Though it hadn't yet hit the shelves, Lacey mentally questioned how she obtained it, but never the less she was eternally grateful for the gift. "Oh my gosh, thank you so much Mia" without hesitation Lacey pulled Mia into her arms and gave her a tight but gentle squeeze, but not enough to cut off her oxygen.

Mia smiled and returned the gesture. They pulled away when Damion walked into the office. He didn't look any different, a grumpy and displeased expression remained intact. With a low groan he took a seat in the chair placed behind his desk. "Alright break it up you two" Mia sent him a scowl and pulled away from Lacey, placing both her hands on her hips. "Ya know one of these days, I'm gonna end up putting my foot up your ill mannered butt Damion" he rose a brow at her sudden sassy outburst. "I'd like to see you try, since I'm the one who controls your paycheck" Mia scoffed and rolled her eyes and snatched the envelope out of his hand.

Apparently today was the day where dear sweet Mia had no filter. Lacey looked around the office nervously, she had never known Mia to be so outspoken. "Not to be a smart ass but have you ever heard of happiness? maybe then you wouldn't be such uptight boss" Lacey stifled a laugh, causing Damion to glare at her from behind his desk. Lacey remained quiet as she witnessed the two of them bickering back and forth. Though it still amazed her, at how brave and bold her her best friend was for standing up against her so-called father figure.

"I'm not uptight Mia, I just have a business to run and I don't have time to be happy" Lacey flinched at his words, yet again feeling like she was a burden. Mia side glanced Lacey and sighed as she saw her sad expression. "Yeah and you have a pretty good god daughter that just wants you to stop treating her like she's a burden and start treating her as family" without another word Mia grabbed her things and headed out for the night, leaving Lacey and father figure rendered speechless.

The silence continued for what seemed like forever, until Damion cleared his throat gruffly. "Lacey I'm sorry if I made you feel like you're nothing but a burden, It's just hard to be open after your father passed away, he was my best friend" despite his constant lack of parenting, Lacey could relate on the feelings of losing her real father. "Damion I know how hard it is to lose someone you care about, but when I lost my parents and when they appointed you as my legal guardian you acted as if I was a problem" Lacey's tone was laced with suppressed anger towards him.

He sighed, knowing that her anger was rightfully placed. "I know but things will get better for us, I promise and I'll try to be a better god parent" Lacey couldn't help the smile that formed her lips. "I'm holding you to that promise" He gave a firm nod before turning his attention back onto his computer. "You should head home, I have to do inventory so I'll be home late" Lacey grabbed her bag and her gift. "Okay then, don't stay too late though" Damion smiled at her concern and watched as she left the diner.

As she stepped out into the chilly night, a shiver raked through her body. Luckily she had brought her coat to keep her from catching frostbite.

The night had been quiet, too quiet for her liking as she walked home. The alley had been empty but she could feel as if something was coming, she just couldn't put a finger on it. Chalking it up to sudden paranoia, Lacey continued her usual walk home.

The cold air bit through her coat as she approached the front gate in front of her house. She slowly sauntered up the front steps and stopped at the door to fish her house key from her bag. After unlocking the door and stepping inside, Lacey kicked off her shoes by the door and headed down the short hallway, to her room.

After a nice warm shower and slipping into her pajamas , she padded off barefoot to the kitchen to make herself something to eat before bed.

after finishing her food she padded off tiredly to her room, climbing into the bed and snuggling underneath the covers.But her slumber was short lived when a bright light appeared at her window. Lacey groaned and turned to see what the light was from.

Her eyes widened as the beam of light entered her room from the window. Lacey jumped to her feet and ran for the door. But fate had always dealt her a crappy hand, before she could touch the doorknob the beam of light pulling her away from the door, with a loud and brief scream she was sucked into the beam of light.

It was only then that she found herself really believing in the weird and unexplained.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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