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"Yoongi ah! Wake up... Do you know what the time is?" You yelled from the living room. But you just got no response....
"MIN YOONGI!!!!" You shouted again to get his attention but all goes vain. You took furious steps towards your shared bedroom. Immediately smile crept your face seeing him

 Immediately smile crept your face seeing him

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"Why should he sleep like an Angel?"

"Agh! Come on Eun Ha! He's your husband don't stare him like that"

You went and sat on the bed.....
"Yoongi ah! Wake up." You spoke ruffling his hair... He crawled up and hugged you by waist caging you with his arms.
"Yaa! I have a surgery today. I have to leave. Your breakfast is on the table. Heat it before you eat and you don't need to buy groceries I'll buy it when I come back. Don't go out unnecessarily I hate the way the girls stare at you. I wish I should slit their throat with scalpel but I can't! Ok now take off your hands I have to go!" You spoke in one go... But no reaction from his side
"Min Yoongi! This is my last warning get up orelse I would give all your warm blankets to dry cleaning." You threatened by which he immediately stood up.

"You know this is not the way to wake me up. I was expecting a kiss." He said rubbing his eyebrows like a kid
"Aww! My poor boy! Now fresh up yourself. I'll be going to the hospital. Take care." You stood up and kissed his forehead before leaving him in your mansion.....He stood up lazily and walked to the washroom....

"Um... What should I do..? Ah! I should develop the impairment application. That's the target of the week." He said punching his hands in air. He quickly looked at his hand
"Since when I became so childish. Aish! That's embarassing!" He mumbled himself. That's when his stomach growled indicating he's hungry

"Let's eat now!" He said to himself before walking down the kitchen. He's tasting the dish experiencing all the devour as he loves your cooking. But mostly he's the one who cooks for you he never complaints about it. Coz he knows that it's hard to be the surgeon and also a wife who manages all the house hold chores. Eventhough you never excused your duties with your profession. He took out his phone for sending you a voice message
"Honey! The food was really delicious. I enjoyed and finished it completely. Hope you'll have great day. I'm waiting to hear the stories out that you always takes out from the hospital. Love yaa...!"he finished and slipped the phone on his pockets before placing the plate in the sink....

He left the kitchen as the doorbell rang
"Whom it might be?" He questioned himself and went to the door to open it. But after opening it regression took over him
"WHY IN THE HELL YOU GUYS ARE HERE?" He questioned the couple who stood in front of him
"You have no rights to question me. I wanna see my daughter..." The man replied
"Daughter? Your daughter never lives here Mr. Cha! My wife and me lives in this Mansion." He slightly pushed yoongi and went inside
"Eun Ha....! Eun Ha -ya...! Appa is here!" He said enthusiastically and expecting an answer

"Mom and dad were waiting for you Cha Eun Ha --" Mrs. Cha was cut off by a cold voice
"IT'S MIN EUN HA! Get that in your mind. Just exit the house before I call the police here..." Yoongi said
"I'll sue you for this Min Yoongi!" Mr. Cha spatted getting a scoff from yoongi
"You guys call yourselves as parents. Where were you when she suffered and enduring agony alone" asking it nonchalantly Yoongi rewarded a death glare for which he didn't even bother.
"That was the situation created by you. You're the reason my daughter was tormented... You're the reason she was in pain, you're the reason for her dark life. Her life would be very good if you had never entered her life.! You're a sinner and a prejudice jerk!!!"

"Enough of it Honey. It's so harsh." Mrs. Cha said slowly
"Mrs. Cha take him out of my house right now before I kill him with my bare hands." Yoongi warned closing his eyes.
"You --" Before he could complete. Mrs. Cha took him out with an uncomfortable smile plastered on her face. As soon they exits yoongi slammed the main door and threw up himself on the couch
"Fuck this day." He cursed under his breath and drifted into sleep.....again


"Jagiya....!" Yoongi called you from the kitchen seeing you at the door. Exhaustion was all over your face. Your eyes only half opened and the long handbag in your hand was almost sweeping the floor. He chuckled but also felt bad as you're working so hard.
"Here! Let me help you." He came near you. Still your eyes closed. He got the bag and thrown it on the couch. He removed your upper coat. You lied your head on his chest. He couldn't help but to smile at your gesture
"Aigoo....who made my baby to work so much...huh?" He asked with forged anger.

"Eun Ha? Are you ok baby?" He asked as he didn't get any response so far
"Oh! I thought you'd be telling all the happenings in your hospital today. But ok it seems like you're tired, I'll take you to the room.!" He said slipping his hands on your waist
"NO!!" You yelled loud and he's suppressing his laughter. Well it's a regular happening that You'll tell all the stories happened in your hospital but he'll be unbothered cause he respects his sleep more than anything
"Where did you get this energy from?" He Asked raising his eyebrows
"Is that even necessary. I thought you'd be giving importance to your first wife as usual, but you're here to hear me out. I'll be back after freshing up..." She said

"I have told you million times not to call my bed like that" he said closing his eyes in disbelief
"Admit or not... I don't care. It's your first wife." You stick your tongue out and ran on the stairs
"MIN EUN HA!SHOULD I TEACH YOU A LESSON TO NOT RUN ON STAIRCASE" he shouted but you bothered less and went to your room for freshing up.
"Huh! Such a kid...." He mumbled but then something popped on his mind..

"That was the situation created by you. You're the reason my daughter was tormented..."

"You're the reason she was in pain, you're the reason for her dark life"

"Her life would be very good if you had never entered her life.!"

"You're a sinner and a prejudice jerk!!!"

"Well! I should not think about it. Let's enjoy the lunch with my beautiful wife." He smiled and arranged the table.

The World Of Contradiction •|| MYG FF ||• ft. Min Yoongi (Yet To Edit)Where stories live. Discover now