Well, here we go.

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So let's take a look at our main lead of the fuck ups, shall we?

So our ever-so-brave lead is Kat she's twenty three and has seen some fucked up shit and knows the rules of the streets pretty well at this point. Mind your own damn business is the motto she has been following since she was a kid and grew up in what most would call the hood. this motto still stands even after she took the leader of the respected Walsh family up on his offer for safety after she saved two of his own. It was honestly a strange set of circumstances that lead her to get the job. she had just simply been walking home from work one night at eleven o'clock. which we all know is a terrible idea when you live in the goddamn hood. So get this the manager had fucked up the register counts and said she couldn't leave until it was fixed. Retail sucks that's a big moral of this story apparently since im a tad pissed about it. Now back to the story, she was walking at eleven o'clock at night. There are very few street lights but even then the street was dark as hell and cars barely passed by. Kat was the only one walking the streets apparently because the streets looked deserted. She wasn't freaked out though since it wasn't the first time she had to walk home in the dark even though her shift ended at ten and she should have been on the last bus by ten-fifteen. But no her boss was a dick and said no one could leave until he fixed the register counts before closing down for the night. which is why we see our lead to be walking in the dark before she forgot the most important rule. she looked up when she heard the sound of a little boy asking about dinner. what she saw was a guy with a gun a few yards ahead of her walking toward a random man and his little boy. the man seemed to be trying to lock his shop up for the night. she knew the rule was to mind your own damn business unless you wanted problems. But no one should be silent when a kid is involved right? well, Kat didn't think it was cool to follow the rule when a kid could get hurt. So screamed gun like a fucking idiot because she didn't know what else to do at that moment . Yeah, it was stupid but gave the guy a chance to yank his kid back inside and slam the door closed. while the guy with the gun turned back to look at Kat. The fucking gunman rushed towards the now closed and locked door. He slammed into the door screaming he would kill the bastard inside and make his fucking kid watch. Kat wasn't cool with that so again did one of the stupidest things this bitch could do. she picked up a bottle from the gutter and threw it at the fucking dude with a gun. yep you read that right she threw a fucking bottle. The now pissed off man turned on her so fast that Kat just dropped her bag and booked it. Bitch was running so fast she was scared she would have an asthma attack. But she damn well knew the dude with a gun was right behind her ass ready to fuck her up for getting in his way. He was pissed if the string of curses and threats were anything to go by. Kat didn't look back or slow down to really think about what the hell she was going to do if he caught up with her. But luckily for our ever so brave and fucking stupid lead was saved by an all-black car heading towards her. She stopped in her track as the car slammed on the brakes in front of her and three guys jumped out looking pissed off. Kat reasonably freaked out more turning on her heels thinking she would take her chances against the one guy with a gun than the three pissed-off dudes who just jumped out of their car looking ready to kill. But Kat wasn't fast enough to run from these guys and got yanked back by her shirt and ended up on her ass while two gunshots rang out. Turns out the dude chasing her wasn't fast enough to get away either. She stared wide-eyed at the dude laying unmoving a few yards away from her. She looked at the three-man and started saying she didn't see anything and was just walking home. The guys laughed and yanked Kat up by her arm and dragged her towards the door as kat continued to say she didn't see anything and was just walking home and that she just wanted to get home. She was shoved into the backseat of the unknown black car and told to be quiet. all kat could think was she should have just minded her damn business and just called the police when she got home. but then she saw the face of the little boy just talking to what she assumed was his father as he was trying to lock up. She regrets throwing the bottle but not warning the dude with his kid. if she died at least she would be a hero. She wondered if her mom would be proud or pissed. probably a mixture of the two since she did raise Kat to help whenever she can. As kat is sitting in the back seat of this random car coming to terms with the fact she's going to die and is probably suffering from a bit of shock. One of the guys drags the most likely dead man out of the street towards the sidewalk while the other two lean against the car talking. what the fuck is all Kat could think while she began to shake. Once the dead man is laying on the sidewalk the guy seems to grab stuff out of the dead man's pocket and takes the man's gun too. the other two men seem to laugh while the taller of the two walks around the front of the car and opens the door getting into the car. the other two men follow suit getting into the car. one in the driver's seat while the other gets into the backseat with Kat. She rushed to the otherside of the car trying not to lose her shit. The man smiles at her and sits comfortably while the driver starts the car up. The three-men start talking about what had happened explaining they didn't plan to kill or hurt Kat since she helped one of their own. Now I know you were wondering who the fuck the guy and his kid were. Well, they were members of the Walsh family carrying out some rather innocent business. The kid was with his father leaving the family business after working for the day. The man who was chasing me turned out to be a local gang member who wanted to prove his gang was more powerful than the local mafia and decided to kill the man closing his shop up. It was just good luck in a strange way that the man brought his kid or Kat would never have noticed what was going to happen. As Kat just sits there absorbing the situation she just shakes her head and begins to laugh and cry. The three men go quiet while the one man sitting next to her awkwardly pats her back telling her everything was fine. They pulled up to the shop Kat had run from and the men get out. Kat gets out and walks to her bag that's just laying sadly on the dirty sidewalk. She could have died over turf war bullshit all because she didn't mind her own business. Yes she save two people from murder and she was happy tey where safe but she shouldn't have even been in the situation. She was going to quit he job and never walk this part of town. That's all Kat could think as she picked her stuff up and tried to calm her breathing again not even realizing she was hyperventilating. She was shaking and just slowly sank to her knees. She almost died you can't blame her for feeling weak and needing a good cry after the shit she just lived through. She didn't even know how far she had run or how long she had been running. She just stared at the sidewalk until one of the men pulled her to her feet and lead her back to the black car she just repeated she was just walking home and just wanted to get home. The man opened the door and told her to get in and with the state, Kat's mind was in she just got into the car without a fight and held her bag close to her chest while tears ran down her face.

Well, I think that's enough backstory dont you? Ill tell you how this hot mess turns out after a few years in the next chapter.


Authors note: so I hope you guys like the first chapter. let me know what you guys think about it. it's my first time trying this type of writing style so you know just let me know what you think and go easy on me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2022 ⏰

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