The crown 2

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The Queen entered the room with a big smile on her Face

Belladonna and her parents courtesy to the Queen
She has been practicing and it actually shows

Her courtesy wasn't too quick,too slow and not too deep
It was perfect

The big doors were opened by another Guard and The Royal baghn siblibgs entered the room

The look on their Faces was intimidating,Bella didn't dare look at their face but she also courtesy to them

You may all be wondering why you are here,especially you Belladonna"The Queen voiced out
Her voice echoing through the room

Bella let every word she had to say sink in
Well me and my good friend here Madonna "She pointed nodded to Madonna

Bella looked at her mother searching for something
The next words that spilled out of The Queens mouth left her mouth dry

Have decided to announce your engagement To Prince Christopher the Future King"Her mother couldn't help but smile

Her Father sat ther Frozen
My Queen isn't she too young,I mean I have an elder daughter "He encouraged

No,She's older than the Prince unacceptable .I've made up my mind and so it shall be"

Do you accept Belladonna "The Queen looked her deeply in the eyes as if the world will go down if she doesn't

Belladonna looked at her mother who was smiling so bright like never before

She's either about take the biggest regret ever or not
I-I"She tried to speak

She heard Princess Hannah scoff
I accept to marry The prince"She broke eye contact with the Queen
Good"She signalled the Guard bext ho her who held a box

He came over to her opening it revealing different engagement rings

Choose a ring my child"The soothing couce of the queen made her even more anxious

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Choose a ring my child"The soothing couce of the queen made her even more anxious

She picked out the Blue one looking at her mother
Bella slid the ring on her left hand ring finger

The prince stormed out slamming the door behind him
His siblings trailing behind him

My Queen I'm still a student "
Well you will get a private teacher don't want your intelligence to go to waste"

The ride home was awfully quiet
When they got home hell broke loose

What were you thinking Madonna she's still young !"Her Father yelled at her mother

I did it for her ,I know my Daughter is special ALWAYS!" Her mother yelled back
You did for yourself because you are selfish !"

Selfish ? Shouldn't you be happy your daught is gonna be the future Queen!"
My daughter is about to marry a prince she has only met three times in her life ! She's marrying a stranger!"

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