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The events that initially led to the attack on the city of Manhattan left major parts of New York in ruins. A hole had opened up in the sky and let loose an armada of aliens. Led by none other than the envious, power hungry demigod with a personality complex to boot; Loki. After stealing the tesseract from Shield's base of operations he hijacked some of the best minds their headquarters had to offer. Then he set his plan into action, with the use of Professor Erik and his knowledge of dimensional plains he was able to construct a portal in which then later was able to release the creatures later known as the Chitari.

Even though Loki had managed to separate the Avengers and seemingly knock them down a few pegs. I guess you could say that reindeer games had dashed their hopes of winning. All was at a loss. But with a last ditch effort they managed to pull off the impossible. Even use a nuclear missile to their advantage to take out the mother ship. At the end of the day the newly formed Avengers defended and saved everyone. Loki's motives were still unknown other than the fact that he was aiming for complete world domination.

After all of the craziness that went down it was a wonder the city was even still standing. In retrospect it was in better shape than if it was nuked off of the face of the planet. Sure some buildings were demolished, the streets were torn apart but the city was safe at last. Other than the Chitari body's that remained as well as a few huge space lizards. The newly formed Avengers could count this as their first ever official victory as a team.

After the battle, Thor took his troublesome brother Loki home to Asgard to be tried for his crimes in attempting to take over the Earth. The Allfather was not proud in the least bit though Loki could honestly care less. He was the god of mischief after all. It was his pleasure to cause trouble. Even if it was just to destroy or enslave another world. It wasn't a mystery as to why since he couldn't rule over his own. Or what he at least thought was his own.

Tony figured rather than to have a huge monument located in the center of New York with his name plastered on the front if it. It would be put to better use as the head quarters for the newly form team of misfits. Or in his words a playhouse for the super wanna be hero freaks. The world however will soon know them as the Avengers.

Even though he would never admit it, the jealous prince taught him something very valuable about himself. That selfishness can be the cause for such a disaster. Although Tony was notorious for being a self centered rich boy he had managed to disband most of his foolhardy habits through team work.

A near death experience can really open someone's eyes to a bunch of different things. One which may be the cruel truth is that humans are weak creatures. They can't stand up to something like what happened the other day. It was a god send that opened their eyes and will forever change their view on how they see the world. They needed to be protected and for some reason he felt there was still more trouble to come. Countless enemies would appear and try to disband their heroic attempts in keeping the peace. But they had to try.

It's funny in a way; even after all of this he never would have imagined himself working well with others. That is unless of course he was the leader of the so called team then maybe. But he didn't care about that, if anything he's just happy to be the benefactor of the group. He was just happy to be a part of the team even though in the beginning it seemed more like a chore than a duty. If it meant anything they really did come through in a time of need and it felt great having a common goal for the greater good. And even though they didn't know each other they managed to pull it off and saved lives. If that doesn't call for a drink than I don't know what does.


"Tony maybe it would be a good idea to slow down a bit. I mean just take a break and relax for a while" Bruce was referring to the drink he was in the process of making, which in this case would be his fifth one. Even if he was a rich boy with a high tolerance for alcohol it would still be in his best interest to let up a little. After all drinking yourself into oblivion was not always the best way to party.

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