I'm here(4)

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I have never ever wore a collar in my life and had never thought abt wearing one. Now here I am, a collar on my neck and I didn't know it was there till now. Moreover, the collar has the name of "Miyano"on it.

"Uhm hello?",as I was blanking out with my "collar"matter. Miyano wave his hand in front of my face to get attention.

I blink my eyes twice, it looks like he already calm down. I can start explaining then.

"I-uhm I'm your..", Idk why I hesitated before saying the last word.

"My cat..",Miyano finished my sentence for me.

I nodded. Keeping the conversation continuing peaceful like this. Miyano might not get uncomfortable with me for suddenly turning from a pet cat to a human and made this situation more awkward that it is.

"The thing is..Idk how I became a cat when I open my eyes at that moment and now I magically turned to a human cat out of nowhere so..so I'm confused like you are now."

I told him the truth.

"Oh uhm..uhm, lemme process this a lil bit.", and then the sound of phone vibrating came into our ears.

"Uhm lemme answer that for a moment. "
He's tone is now formal and stiff,it isn't the same like how he talks to me when I was still a cat. As expected, he's still astonished by me. While he's on the phone call, I should-

Once again, I opened my eyes. It felt more refreshing this time. I don't feel one bit of tiredness. I could see a few black hairs blocking my view. As I push the few hairs to the side. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. Miyano was laying on my shoulders, he must had fell asleep too. He's sleeping soundly and peacefully. How nice of this..

Oh, so that was a dream earlier? All those cat stuff and uh..collar. I don't remember much now. I kinda wanna continue that dream.. Anyways, I'ma wake him up, the rain stopped. It's better for him to return home before late evening.

I gently shake him left and right. Yet, he wasn't awake. I guess he's tired, plus he ran over here in the middle of the rain. I suddenly thought of an idea. Idk why would I think of that but I did it anyways.
"Hm..uh..", Miyano moves his head a lil. He open his eyes and what is above him was the ceiling. Then, Sasaki moves his head to his view.

"Your awake. Did you have a good nap?", As always, he's smiling to Miyano.

"Ah! I feel asleep? I'm sorry for keeping you waiting.", Miyano quickly sits up, for a moment, he felt like someone blew wind to his ears, the person was so close to him that his ear was ticklish. 'Sasaki won't do that right? Ofc not, why would he?', Miyano shakes his head.

"..Its getting late, you should go. The rain stopped."

"Yeah your right", he looks out to the window. The weather has cooled down.

" Thanks for stopping by. I'm grateful for your company:)"

"It was nothing. Also I'm glad you like the keychain.."

"Yes also that, the keychain. Thank you."
"You made today's stormy weather better for me, Miyano."

"Not at all, I'm always here if u want to spend time!"

Ha..Miyano, why are you so cute.

'If he wants my company next time, I will rush to his house anytime when he wanted me. I will.', Sasaki vowed in his heart.

[Keychain(1)-I'm here(4)]~end
Sobbing, they r so precious

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