chapter eleven

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joseon era

aeri's pov

"i'm actually the country's princess." i said, bravely.

"wow, impressive. that suits you," he said, not even suprised a bit.

"you know what, in the other world, i'm a doctor." i formed my mouth to an 'o' shape.

"really?" he nodded.

"and there, you're such a feminine girl." i glared at him.

"so you're saying that i'm not feminine here?"

"sadly, no. i was shocked when i first met you. like you've changed 360 degrees."

"shut up." i rolled my eyes.

"but it's true though, you've never even rolled your eyes at me or say anything annoying in that world." he continued.

and, the lighting strikes. i was so shocked i didn't realized that i accidentally hugged him.

he then patted my head.

"i thought you're different, but, you're still scared of lightning? cute." he said.

i immediately moved away from him. "sorry,"

"it's okay, it was scary i know." he said.

don't know why but that comfoted me.

Dream|Yoon JeonghanWhere stories live. Discover now