Misunderstanding 😕

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After Top arrival everyone was so happy especially Nanon.... because he loves Top very much like his older brother but Ohm was not happy by seeing their closeness.

Everyone was sitting on dinning table while giggling and laughing enjoying their morning breakfast while pulling each other legs.

"Phhii we really missed you" Nanon said dramatically he got up from his seat and hugged Top from behind tightly. *Bang* everyone got flinched when Ohm hit the table loudly with his hands.

"What happened Ohm" Lin asked shocked. Everyone was looking towards Ohm who's eyes were closed like he was trying to control something. Nanon also got scared he broke the hug while looking at Ohm confused.

"Nothing aunty a bee was hovering around my flower...so I am thinking about how to throw away that bee from my flower" Ohm said with pissed look he can't able to bear their closeness anymore he was getting very irritated.

"It's normal son let him" Lin said while smiling at him unknown to the fact the his Son was that flower and Top was that bee.

"No I can't because that flower is only mine" Ohm said in deep voice while glaring at Nanon and everyone is still confused.



Everyone can sense the tension between these three specially between Top and Ohm. They both were always stick besides Nanon all the time. Top always treat Nanon like his little brother but when he noticed how Ohm was possessive towards his little brother so he decided to tease Ohm.

On the other hand Ohm is getting pissed day by day to see how much they are close to each other the way Nanon laugh and being clingy with Top he didn't like it.

Like one day when Nanon was having a dinner with his family he got chocked on food so at the same time Top and Ohm immediately offered him water. Making everyone shocked but Nanon didn't except anyone's glass of water instead he took Milk's glass and drank the water.

On the other day when Top and Ohm both wants to drop Nanon at college at the same time but instead Nanon quickly got into Milk's car.

Ohm was getting frustrated by this he can't able to spend some time with Nanon. Top was having his own fun while teasing Ohm. And Nanon can't able to figure out why they both were acting strange nowadays.



Ohm was preparing for his lecture when suddenly he got a call from Toey. He immediately recived it and asked Toey if he was Ok. Did he got bullied again but Toey said he wants to meet him urgently at college terrace.

On the other side Nanon was roaming around at the corridor but suddenly he heard some students were gossiping about Ohm.

Girl 1 - Hey did you heard that Toey is going to propose our teacher Mr. Ohm Pawat.

Girl 2 - Yes I heard from his friends that how much he likes our Sir.

Girl 3 - You know what guys I think Ohm sir also likes him.... think about it... why he always help him personally.

Girl 1 - You are right I also saw them hugging and laughing with each other...and also Ohm sir used to drive him to his house....I think the feeling is mutual.

Girl 2 - You know what today Toey messaged sir to come and meet him at terrace...Oh my God maybe sir gonna accept it...I am jealous.

Nanon who was listening to their conversation with broken heart. He don't know how to react on it... he also witnessed the same thing....but did he take Ohm's kindness in a wrong way maybe Ohm has a feeling for Toey. He just wanted to clarify his doubt so he went to the terrace. He was going to head back when he saw them together but got stopped when he heard their conversation.

"Why did you called me here Toey" Ohm asked confused.
"I-I l-like y-you s-sir....but please don't hate me for this...I fall in love with your kindness" Toey said shyly while bowing his head down waiting for an answer.

"I like you too stupid boy it's normal to fall in love with someone....and why would I hate you for this" Ohm said chuckling he ruffled Toey's hair.

By hearing Ohm's answer tears start falling from Nanon's eyes who was standing infront of the terrace door which was slightly open.... He was hoping that Ohm would reject him but this.....he didn't expect this but why Ohm was treating him this way why. He quickly ran away from there while sobbing..... today his heart got broked into million pieces.

"Why Ohm why did you played with my feelings...why did you set my hopes high when one day you have to broke them" Nanon said while running roughly wiping his tears.


"Really sir....so you also like me right" Toey asked happily his heart was bouncing.
" Yes I like you but as a student and a little brother Toey....in my whole life I never loved anyone but when he came into my life he changed everything.... and I can understand your feelings but sorry I'm already in love with someone else" Ohm said while patting his shoulders and then walked away from there leaving a heart broke Toey who's eyes got filled with tears.

"This all because of you Nanon Korapat kirdapan....now I will make you pay for snatching Ohm away from me" said Toey with full hatred while clenching his fist tightly.


Nanon was walking towards his music room but suddenly someone blocked his way and the person is none other than Toey who was smiling at Nanon innocently.

"Nanon korapat kirdapan nice to meet you" Toey said sarcastically while approaching him.
"I wish I could say the same thing....and what do want tell me and fuck off my mood is already spoiled" Nanon said uninterested while standing infront of him.

"Stay away from my Ohm otherwise....I will make you regret" Toey said angrily he pushed Nanon hardly with full force.
"How dare you bastard " Nanon snapped at him when his back got hit on the wall hardly.
"Ohm is mine got it he is only mine" Toey yelled at him while grabbing his collars.

"Ohhh..  I know he is your boyfriend now but seriously I am not interested in your boyfriend" Nanon sarcastically while chuckling he pushed Toey away from him.

Toey got stumbled backwards and fell on the floor. Nanon walked towards him and squat infront of him.....he yank Toey by his hairs and make him to look into his eyes.

"Have you forgotten that who are you messing with....so listen you little piece of shit don't ever try to touch me again otherwise I will kill you" Nanon said in deep and dangerous voice he roughly left his hair and walked away from there.

"Thank you so much Nanon korapat kirdapan.... now you will see what will I do next" Toey said while laughing like a crazy he got up from the floor.

"So what's your next plan partner" said someone from behind who was secretly watching their interaction.

"It's the same plan which I told you before....now you know right what you have to do next" Toey said with smirk he extend his hand forward for a handshake.

"Of course even I want to take my revenge from him" said the unknown person with evil grin and join his hand with Toey. They both start laughing loudly.


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