13 | Crumbling Down

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•• No One's POV: ••




It seemed like a normal night for the Ninja, with no Amocleera attacks yet and no other villains or thieves randomly popping up over Ninjago. It was just like nothing had ever happened beforehand, just like it was before. Except, this time they had Harumi who they never knew had an elemental power.

Little did they know it was all about the come crumbling down that night, everything would.

Harumi's POV:

I can't sleep and I don't feel like sleeping. Something has been bothering me all night but I can't quite put my finger on it. It feels like something or someone is watching me, closely waiting until they pounce. Maybe I'm just going crazy.

I should probably sleep.

Maybe then the feeling would go away.

I huddle into Lloyd's comforter more, it smells just like him. I'm glad they decided to provide me with better things like a heavier blanket, a water bottle, a mattress, and more than 1 pillow. Yes, I had been sleeping on the cold concrete floor beforehand but it wasn't all that bad because I had experienced the same cold, concrete floor for 4 years. I tried to get into the most comfortable position I could and I slowly started to close my eyes. I was tired physically, but not at all mentally my head just kept racing with thoughts and ideas and "What If's?". It was hard to fall asleep until I eventually did.

☾.✴˚˖⁺✦{1 1/2 hours later}✦˙⊹˚✴☽

I suddenly woke up with a gasp, and also an urge to drink water. My mouth was so dry. I grabbed the water bottle that was next to my mattress and slowly drank from it. Even though I thought that the feeling would go away if I closed my eyes and rested, It didn't. It's still there it keeps creeping into my thoughts second to second. Minute to minute. And soon, hour to hour. The ninja had also provided me with a phone, for entertainment purposes and to also check the time. But one time Lloyd gave me his phone number so we could talk if he couldn't come down to me physically to talk.

The time was 3:26 AM, I had fallen asleep at 11:34 PM and woken up at 1:16 AM. I already know I can't fall back asleep the feelings, the thoughts, they're all still there. Stuck inside my head and I can't get them out. The day was now October 10, in exactly a month it would be my birthday. Hopefully, all this Amocleera business will be over by then. I really don't want to have another bad birthday. All they gave me for my birthday was another chain check and a glass of water.

Terrible, right?

I sighed and put the phone down next to my mattress again. I got up and just sat there and stared at the walls. But something about one of the walls kept messing with me. There was an Irregular crack of a circle in the wall. It didn't look natural. Maybe that part of the wall was damaged so they had to fix it. But the Basement was underground so how could've it gotten damaged? 

Something was definitely off.

"I see that you are liking your new home here, Special. But it seems exactly like what you were in before,". I looked over to the shadow-y part of the Cell and there was a slight gleam from something Metal in the corner. "Who are you? What do you want?" I glared my eyes at the person. "You may or may not remember me from when you were stuck with boss,". The figure walked out from the shadows. She had pink hair with a blue streak, Greyish Blue eyes, and a 3 inch scar that went down her left eye. This person was Amocleera's right hand.


"Relax special, boss just wanted me to bring you back so we can finish our little project,". She had a knife in her hands and a confident look on her face. "If you want to survive it's best that you don't fuss with me and you come," she whispered into my ear, she then grabbed me by the hand and flung me right into the wall. I groaned at the pain. I was too weak to get up but I tried my hardest, eventually I collapsed and blacked out.

Seliel's POV:

That was too easy. I open my makeshift entrance and exit that I made in the cell wall. But first I decided to play with the ninja a little bit. I found a spare pencil and piece of paper on the floor I started scribbling down a note for them to know that their little princess was gone and that she wouldn't come back. Once I finished writing the note I stamped the Amocleera insignia on it so they would know that it came from us. The obvious best people in the whole galaxy.

I dragged Special through the tunnel I had made and once we reached the surface there was the rest of the crew. "Good job Seliel, now we can finish our project," Amocleera slithered over to me and smiled that evil smile of hers whenever she gets her way. "Anytime boss," I gave her special and climbed back into our ship and went to the control panel.

"Set the course for home Captain, we got a project to finish here," I told the snake that flew the ship he nodded and turned the ship on. 

Lloyd's POV:

The sun started to come out and the warmth fell onto my face. I woke up and rubbed my eyes, I decided to text Rumi because why not? 

Me: Hey Rumi, you need anything?

There was no response for a while so I just assumed that she was still asleep in the basement. I got up from my bed and went to my closet to pick out an outfit. Today was feeling like a good day so far. I picked out a green shirt and some jeans, the perfect combo.

Once I was dressed and I was ready for the day I opened my bedroom door and walked into the living room. Kai and Jay were battling each other out in Prime Empire, Cole was watching and sipping soda from his soda head thing, I don't exactly know what it's called. Nya was eating some Cereal while chatting with Skylor. Since everybody else was already doing there thing I decided to wake Rumi up so we can talk. She always made my day better.

I walked down the stairs to Rumi's place but, she wasn't there.

I started to panic.

"Rumi? Where are you?" I opened the door to the cell and looked all around. She wasn't there at all. All there was was her stuff we gave her, and a note attacked to the wall with a knife.

To the ninja idiots,

We got your little princess, you won't be seeing her anytime soon. I hope you enjoy how failure feels!

- Amocleera crew ☦ (Just put a random emoji for the insignia hehe)

I was shocked and I started to freak out. Amocleera had gotten Rumi and that couldn't mean anything good now that we knew what Amocleera was really doing with her. We had to get her back at all costs.

I grabbed the note and ran back to the living room.

"Guys, I got bad news," I said and I held up the note. Nya snatched the note from my hands and started to mumble read it you could tell she was shocked afterwards because she her face told it all. "What? What is it?" Skylor grabbed the note from Nya and also turned very shocked. "Well uh, that's not good," She gave me back the note and sooner or later the whole note was passed around all of us and we all started to panic. "We've got to get her back! There's not telling what would happen if Amocleera runs the whole universe!" Cole stated. We all started to chat and chat as we freaked out. "Guys calm down. We just need to find out how we get back to that other planet to save Harumi," Skylor calmed  us all down and we all nodded.

It was time for some action.


Yay! New chapter is here!

I mean something had to go bad, so yep. Also Seliel's here now but not quite on the side we all wanted her to be on, at least I sure hope the side you don't want her on.

Things will get better though and the next chapter will have some heart-warming moments. 

Have a good day/night!


1420 words

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