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Hi guys! This is my first phan fiction so please be kind! Constructive criticism welcome!

Part 1- Phils POV

I leant over the table to kiss Dan

"Gay Freak!" he yelled as he pulled away, laughing manically. Suddenly the room was filled with friends and family all shouting, chanting the same thing , "gay freak!"

My eyes flew open. This seemed like the hundredth time that I'd had this dream, but every time it still affected me. I mentally slapped myself.

"he's never going to feel the same way so stop hoping!" I whispered harshly to myself.

I could hear Dan singing in the shower, his voice like an angel. I didn't want I ruin this amazing friendship we had, so I never told him my true feelings. I love Dan more than anything, and knowing that he won't love me back kills me every day. But I went through my life with him, acting normal and so far, he hasn't caught on.

Dans POV

I could hear Phil tossing and turning in his sleep, he was having another nightmare. How I wish I could run uni his room and hold him until he fell asleep, chasing away his nightmares. He never mentions them, so I never ask what he is so scared about. I wish I knew so I could protect him, make sure that whatever is hurting him cant hurt him anymore.

I got out of my shower, dressed and did my hair.

"here's to another day of pretending you're not in love with your best friend!" I raised an invisible glass to my reflection in the mirror, took a deep breath, and left the bathroom.

So that's it! First chapter of my phan fiction! Sorry that it's so short! It will get longer though! Just so you know, I have written this all in advance so I know what will happen. If you enjoyed it, tell your friends and rate it, leave a comment telling me anything I could change! Also this is written on my iPod so excuse any spelling or grammatical errors! Thank you! And see you next time!

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