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The weather outside was getting colder as the days turned dark quicker, jackets stayed on arms and not wrapped around waists, girls wore leggings under their skirts. Kou Minamoto entered his classroom, expecting to see his best friend, Sōsuke Mitsuba, in his usual seat with an oversized sweater on. But, the seat in front of Kou's was empty.
"Maybe he's just late." Kou thought with a shrug as he sat down. Although, Kou couldn't say he wasn't worried when his friend didn't show up for the entire period. When class was over and it was break, Kou gathered his things and went to the fountain outside of the school. He pulled out his phone and called Mitsuba.
The phone rang once, twice, three times, before-
"What do you want, traffic safety?" Mitsuba spoke through the phone, his voice was raspy and quiet.
"Mitsuba! I was worried about you, why aren't you in school?" Kou asked as he leaned against the fountain.
"Why do you think I wouldn't be at school? I'm sick." Mitsuba said, sass lining his sentences.
"Youre sick?! What's wrong?" Kou asked worriedly.
"Calm down, it's just a c-" Kou hung up the phone.
"Poor Mitsuba! I bet he's suffering! I should bring him soup!" He thought as he put his phone in his back pocket. He quickly rushed to the girls bathroom in the old school building.
"Hanako!" Kou panted as he entered the bathroom.
"Boy, you should really not run into the girls bathroom like this." Hanako said with a smirk.
"Listen, I need a favor!" Kou said, looking up at hanako, who was playing cards with some mokke.
"Oh? A favor? Well, what is it, kid?" Hanako asked curiously as he floated towards Kou.
"I need to visit my friend, so I need you to make sure the teachers don't find out I'm gone." Kou explained.
"Hmmm,'" Hanako brought a hand to his chin, "What's in it for me?"
"Uh- well- what do you want?"
"You could join toilet cleaning with Yashiro." Hanako shrugged. Kou sighed.
"Fine! If it will guarantee that I won't get in trouble, I'll do it!"
"Ohh, this friend must be very important." Hanako teased.
"He's sick and home alone, so I have to make sure he's okay! Don't think anything about it." Kou said sternly, poking hanakos chest.
Hanako chuckled. "Of course I'm not thinking anything of it~" he said, turning away from Kou and going back to his card game with the mokke.
"Its Mitsuba, isn't it?"
"Youre going to visit Sōsuke Mitsuba," Hanako looked at Kou, "right?"
"How did you know-?!" Kou asked with a shocked expression.
Hanako shrugged and smiled. "Lucky guess?"
Kou huffed and turned to leave the bathroom.
"Toilet cleaning starts after school~! You can start when Mitsuba gets better!" Hanako smiled widely and waved goodbye to him.
Kou sighed loudly. "This is worth it, it's so Mitsuba can feel better!" Kou assured himself.


Mitsuba was laying in bed, curled up with multiple blankets when he jumped, hearing a knock on his window. He groaned and reluctantly got up, still keeping a blanket around him as he looked through the blinds.
"What the hell?!" Mitsuba exclaimed as he opened the window.
"Mitsuba-!" Kou smiled.
"Why are here?! How do you know my address, pervert!"
"Uh- mitsuba, I've walked you home before!" Kou said defensively.
"Why are you at my window? What if I was in the middle of changing, creep!"
"Hey, I tried knocking on the door and you didn't answer!" Kou huffed. Mitsuba crossed his arms and stepped aside, letting Kou enter his room.
"Why are you here?" Mitsuba asked.
"I made you soup!" Kou said happily, holding up a thermos.
Mitsuba stared at him and shrugged.
"Can't eat it. I have a cough drop."
"What? Just chew it!"
"Suck on it then! So it will dissolve!"
"Im not going to suck on it like it's a sweet!"
Kou sighed. "Fine, but it will only stay warm for so long." He sat the thermos down on mitsubas bedside table. "Also, you should lay back down!"
Mitsuba stayed put.
"What?! No way, you're probably going to force yourself on me! Like in porn-!"
Kou sighed. "Im not going to try to do anything to you, mitsuba! I don't like you like that.."
"Oh but I'm so adorable, surely you think I'm cute." Mitsuba smiled.
"Not my type." Kou said flatly.
"Well I don't need the approval of someone with a lame ass- ah, ah, achoo!" Mitsuba sneezed into his sleeve, sniffling.
"Bless you."
"Do you need a tissue?" Kou asked.
"I don't have any, I've been using napkins."
"What?! Why didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't think you would-"
Before mitsuba could finish his sentence, kou ran out of the room.
"Weird.." mitsuba mumbled as he got back into his bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2022 ⏰

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