15. The Family Reunion

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HELLOOOO. Been a minute 🙈
Only took me...I don't even wanna know how long. But here is chapter 15!!!!!!! All done!
It's a total of like 3800 words so buckle up!


Stiles POV:
It had been a few days since I'd told Scott everything. With my ankle being hurt, I was forced to carry around a single crutch for support so I wasn't hopping everywhere. Since I was resting and healing, I had lots of time just sitting around And over the course of that time Scott had filled me in on everything I'd missed in concern with his wolf situation. How he'd been struggling to keep it a secret, how Allison almost found out, but Derek, had been there to help him through everything and was teaching him control and how to master all the powers a werewolf is gifted with. I asked a million questions and Scott answered them all.

Things were getting back to how they used to be. But also not really. Scott had new friends. Thanks to Allison and Scott's new awesomeness, Scott was now "in" with the popular group. And much to my dismay I apparently was a part of that group now too. Allison made it clear when she squealed after being introduced to me and dragged me by the arm to say hi to her friends, Lydia of course, Jackson....and the rest of the group, Boyd, Erica, and Issac. It wasn't the warmest of welcomes if I'm being honest. I got the feeling they don't like me very much. but it felt kind of nice to be part of a larger group.

But this new arrangement also made things harder for Scott, in regards to keeping his secret well...secret.

No pov.

Stiles and Scott met at the bike rack before first period. It was practically the only time they had alone to talk about wolf-related things, other than when they got to meet up after school. considering the rest of the time they were surrounded by Allison and the others.
"My senses have been haywire since yesterday," Scott said while jumping off his bike and going to untangle his bike lock.

"Elaborate on that for me"

"Well, this morning I woke up and while I was brushing my teeth, my ears started to tune into a bunch of random noises, like the water running in the kitchen downstairs. Or the rats in the attic"

"Yikes man, you should probably get that rat problem under control. Ik a guy who can help with that"

"what? No! Leave my roof rats alone. And that's beside the point!"

"Yeah well, you won't be saying that when they chew through your electrical wires" Stiles whispered under his breath, and raised his eyebrows while he got out a notebook from his back pocket and started taking notes. He'd been making notes on everything.

"I heard that..."

"Has it ever happened before?"  stiles asked to get the conversation back on track.

"What do you mean? Yeah, I've had moments where I've heard things that are far away. Like when Allison first came to school, I heard her talking on the phone. That was the first time it happened but I've been practising controlling when it happens and I've been doing great. Hearing those sounds was out of my control that's why I'm confused." Scott frowned

"Has anything else out of the ordinary happened" Stiles had done tonnes of research and was highly confident he could figure out exactly what was happening to Scott.

"Uh let's see, when I woke up my claws were out, and I got really angry when my shirt kept getting stuck trying to take it off and I accidentally punched a hole in my wall."

"Wow ok, that stuff sounds more serious than the rats and water thing. Probably should have led with that. let's see, heightened senses, uncontrollable shifting, and anger issues. I know exactly what the issue is..."

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