Just the beginning

4 2 24

Title: Not yet known

Chapter One: Details

Detail is something I am very fond of; I focus on his every detail. The way his mouth seems to twitch as he broke into that crooked smile, the way his eyes sparkle when I walk into a room, the stench of the alcohol that was swirled over his pallet...the way his hands clench before swinging his fists and giving my face new wretched colors with every touch.




4-I'm down




8-I can no longer feel the pain


10- I'm out

I wake up to a painful headache and a crimson puddle below me. A tingling sensation in my pelvis and legs. I crawl toward the ragged, once cream colored, couch, each stain holding a memory. Blood stains, baby food, anniversary cake, each holding something old reminisce.

I pick up the whiskey, vodka, wine bottles, and beer cans getting rid of the evidence. Innocent blood; my blood is on my hands for washing away the memories and the evidence of what has occurred tonight.

"Evie, you need a new job. I've already called that diner and quit for you."

"J-Jared it could take weeks to find a new job." He throws a newspaper my way, specifically the hiring section.

"Well I guess you better get to it then." I nod and continue picking up the mess I've made of myself and the cans on the floor. He quickly grabs my collar from behind, causing me to flinch, and pulled me into a chair before slamming the paper in front of me.

"Look at the paper and find a job right now or you will be out on the street." He walks away and pick up the paper with shaky hands and a sullen heart. I flip through the newspaper slowly, noticing small ads for minimum wage jobs- no better than my own. The black and white print leaving a barren feeling in my gut; there are no opportunities here in this paper. Pizza delivery, daycare, fast food...all deadbeat jobs. I continue to scour through the paper until I notice a small ad in the corner.

S&S Corporation: Now Hiring!

Monday, March 14.

Personal Assistant needed 8am to 5pm


-Able to type 130 words per minute

-negotiation skills

-High School Diploma or GED equivalent

-Flexible Hours

-Must be able to work under pressure

Contact us at (352)555-0129

Pay negotiable

I blink at the advertisement and a small smile crosses my face. Maybe I can talk them to $8 an hour maybe even $9 if I'm lucky. I look over at the clock and it says 2:17am. My eyes start to droop from exhaustion and I walk over to the sofa planting myself on it. I wouldn't dare to go into the bedroom after tonight's spectacle.

Jessica, being the brat that she is, enjoys making my life the second coming of hades. At the diner tonight one of the customers became comfortable with my generic professional smile and decided the best thing to do was court me. Jessica promptly called Jared, my current husband, and this is the result.

I slump into the short, uncomfortable, floral blue sofa. I notice that I have four hours before getting my beautiful children out of their bed for a Monday of mundane school activities. My eyes close only to open once my phone, run down and shattered, rings- alerting me that the four hours of sleep were more of a millisecond, a simple moment. My body ached and my eyes burned as I stood from the couch into my children's room. I first see my beautiful boy Elijah, the oldest of my twin set, and kiss the smooth skin of his face tenderly.

"Wake up sweetie, you have school today." His emerald eyes crack open, noticing my face in front of him and clearing his throat.

"Mommy, I'm sleepy." He wraps his arms around my neck as I lift him up.

"I know love, but you have school today." He nods and lays his head on my shoulder closing his eyes again. I walk into the bathroom, sitting him on the toilet before going back into the bedroom and waking up my sweet little girl from her slumber. She gives me the same reaction as her older brother and lays her head on my shoulder once I pick her up. I walk her into the bathroom and find Elijah asleep against the toilet. Elizabeth, my daughter better known as Liza, slumped on my shoulder as I start to fill the bath. I slowly lower her to the ground, waking her again. The water filled the bath as I strip them of their clothes, setting them into the water and checking the time. I hand them their wash rags and special soaps before going into their room and pulling out their clothes for the day. Once I finish that I check on them, rewashing them to make sure no spot is missed. I take them out of the bath and notice that it is 7:02am. I get them dressed quickly and walk downstairs, turning to an educational cartoon for my twins and start breakfast,

The sizzle of bacon rang through the apartment as I hear the footsteps descending the stairs. Jared comes down and looks over at our children, kissing the tops their heads before walking over and kissing my temple. He softly turns my head towards him and his beautiful eyes that our children inherited fill with remorse. His hand softly runs down my cheek and I flinch slightly.

"Baby, I'm so sorry." His husky voice bounces off of my eardrums and I give him a small smile.

"It's okay, I know you didn't mean to hurt me." His eyes sparkle as he kisses me swiftly before sitting in his seat at our table. I finish the breakfast and plate it before sitting the food on the table together and eat quietly. I check the time- 7:23.

"Oh goodness I need to go get dressed, babies finish your food. I will be right back." I run up the stairs taking a swiftly five-minute shower before finding a professional business suit and comfortable heels I keep stored away in case of a case like mine. My urgency of seeing the clock strike 7:43 immediately put a little pep in my step. I make sure that everyone has what they need for the day and we are off to a day filled with city buses and holding onto my children for dear life.

We walk toward the bus stop, waiting for the bus to arrive. Two minutes' pass and the bus appears, we step on quickly and finish our journey to the school. I check them in as we are late and make my way toward the office of S&S corporation. At the moment it was 8:04 am and I was on the bus face planted into a novel. The bus takes a general 45 minutes and I am let off to an unknown species called business people. The rush of people around me scares me and knowing that I am going to hopefully be a part of it. I can feel the vibrations of my heels clacking under my feet and the nerves pulsing through my veins as I walk through the corporate America of this metropolis I call my home. I pace in front of the building nervously but eventually walk in and give a nice smile to the receptionist. Her face stays seemingly dormant and her eyes are completely blank.

"Name?" I fidget uncomfortably and realize that holding her gaze was nearly impossible.

"uh...Evelyn Pierce." She types something and looks at me once again.

"Do you have an appointment?"

"um...no but I heard about the personal assistant job and I was wondering if the position was still open?" She seems quite passive towards me but I don't mind as she calls someone from a higher office. The frequent mumbles she gives over the phone seem much more enthusiastic than her original monotonous tone and her face forms a smile at the seemingly deeper voice over the phone. As soon as she hangs up the phone her face contorts back to her normal scowl.

"Go to floor thirteen and find the executive CEO door. This is where you will have your interview." I nod and thank her before walking to the elevator and pressing the 'up' button to get to the floor. I fidget uncomfortably before the elevator doors open and I step on. Well...good luck to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2022 ⏰

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