Chapter 1: When I met Lucas

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(Liam's POV)

I was walking to school as normal I was listening to music, music my mom used to sing.

???: Liam?!

I looked at the person who called my name

I looked at the person who called my name

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Liam: Emily what's up?

Emily: Nothing I want to give you some sweets 😊 *Takes some out and gives it to him*

Liam: O-Oh thanks *Takes them*

Emily: Anytime 😁 *Walks away* Have a good day

Liam: Y-You too!

That was Emily she's been my friend since the first day of high school to be honest I thought I wouldn't have friends but thanks to her I have a friend, Oh and I'm Liam

That was Emily she's been my friend since the first day of high school to be honest I thought I wouldn't have friends but thanks to her I have a friend, Oh and I'm Liam

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I love sports and everything about them......but.......I can't play sports..........It all started in a car crash......My dad was driving me to the sports festival where kids compete and win prizes and go to the NFL! It was my dream to go there but that ended badly......a drunk driver hit us and we fell from a big hill and crashed into a tree.......My dad had really bad mom?.......she didn't make it.........And me well.....a tree branch went through my leg and it did heal great damaged my leg to where I can't play any sports.......there goes that dream......why me tho! Why did this happen to me? Why-


Liam: Ow......H-Huh?...

???: Owwww 🥺 That hurt!

Liam: !? I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to I wasn't paying attention!

???: It's okay I wasn't either

Liam: O-Okay *Helps ??? up*

???: Thanks cutie 😁

Liam: C-Cutie!? *Blushes*

???: Yeah you are pretty cute~ anyways I'm Lucas! What's yours?

???: Yeah you are pretty cute~ anyways I'm Lucas! What's yours?

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Liam: I-I'm Liam

Lucas: Liam Huh? That's a cute name for a cutie~

Liam: *Blushes more* Y-Yeah!

Lucas: I've never seen you around before are you perhaps new?

Liam: No not really I was here last year but 9th grade was pretty busy

Lucas: Oh cool your the same grade as me!

Liam: That's cool!

Lucas: Yea-

Bell rings

Liam: Oh I should get going

Lucas: Y-Yeah same here

Liam: See you later then?

Lucas: Yeah! *Walks away* Later cutie!~

Liam: Okay 😅

That was......odd....why did he call me a cutie? I ain't that cute!.......right? W-Well he was cool he looked like he's from a sports club.....Liam not everyone is in a sports club!? But then again.....that outfit his waring.......he looks like his on a track team.......and his really in good shape......!? why did I randomly said that!? It's not like I'm gay or anything!?

The teacher: Liam Mitchells?

Liam: Here

I just need to focus on me and not on other people.......

(Lucas POV)

I was thinking about Liam something about him heart race........but anyways I was getting ready for practice for the game this Friday but I was really out of it

???: What are you thinking about Lucas?

Lucas: Oh hay Nick nothing really just thinking about this cutie I met

Nick: Ooooo~ who is this lucky girl?~

Lucas:'s a guy.....

Nick: Oh really? Then who's the lucky guy~

Lucas: His name is Liam and he seems really cool

Nick: Nice bro!

Lucas: Thanks 😊

I can't wait to see him again...❤️

Hi umm I hope you like the first chapter the things at the top is not my drawing but the cover of the book is my drawing 😊 I'll see you guys next time!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2022 ⏰

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