Meow 1.

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I looked down at my old owner, my heart breaking as she sat in her bed crying over my death, i had only died a two and a half years ago. I would do anything to go back and see her again. I felt a presence behind me, i looked behind me to see one of the guardian angels there, the guardian angel spoke in an elegant way "its time for you to be reborn. And if you are planning on going back to her you know how to track her with your abilities, right?" As a cat we can sense where our owners are or a certain someone who we need to go to is, or well only us cats that have been reborn can do that, if its a cat's first time on earth then they wont have that ability. I respond "yes, i remember.. picture who I want to go to and then i will be able to sense where they are" the angel nods before adding "but if they are across seas you wont be able to get to them by yourself" i look down, its a 50/50 chance of that happening. "I understand, before i go down i want to customise what i will look like" "go on" "i want to look similar to what i did before, so black body, white chest and paws, but to make it a bit different i want a white ear.. also could i keep my memory" the guardian angel nodded and smiled before disappearing. White sparkles surrounded me as i started floating in air, i was being transported down to earth.

The next thing i knew i started off being the last one to be pushed out. My poor, sensitive ears were pounding from the sound of my fellow siblings screeching for our mother, i too had started meowing for our mother, i was trembling, this was a new environment for us all compared to where we once had been. Our mother got up and sniffed us before she had let us know she was there and that we were safe. One by one she licked us clean as we snuggled up against her for warmth, a human was watching over us, i couldn't see the human but i heard it as it had lift each of my siblings up to examine them one by one till they finally got to me. I was raised slowly in the air by this massive, bear like hand, i had been turned upside down so they could check me thoroughly. I was gently put back down. I could hear my mother's gentle breathing as she called us over for our first meal. I was desperate to go searching for my old owner before this life but i knew it would be impossible as i couldn't even see yet, let alone go exploring by myself. Once i had done feeding off my mother with my siblings i curled up in a fluffy blanket the humans had supplied for us and drifted off to sleep.

About four weeks go by and i can see now, i have been so patient but its not time to leave yet as im still pretty reliable on my mother, it hasn't been that bad but i did tumble down the stairs yesterday whilst playing with my sister. It did hurt but i got over it pretty quickly, i overheard one of the humans talking about re-homing some of us kittens, i couldn't get re-homed, i still need to go and find my owner. I had just about figured out the layout of this place and where all the best hiding spots were, the only problem is i don't know when this re-homing could happen, i suppose it would be in a few weeks or so as we still rely on our mother.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2022 ⏰

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