What have you been up to?

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Audrey Grant wishes she could remember the last time she felt at peace. Probably some time in 2007, though she couldn't quite remember. The past always seemed so much prettier with a little distance, especially as she was such a sucker for nostalgia. The rose tinted glasses never came off.

Life seemed to be moving too fast at the moment, she thought as she reapplied lip gloss that sizzled on her lips. It was meant to plump her lips, but all it did was make her feel mildly uncomfortable.

Her mind was still elsewhere as she exited the club for a cig. She liked to say she wasn't addicted and only smoked to calm her anxiety, but she had lived in a constant state of anxiety since she was thirteen. Go figure. Cigarettes tasted of absolute shit, but the smell was comforting to her as well as the way the smoke curled into the night sky.

She heard his laugh first.

She spluttered over her cigarette, resisting the urge to look at him or run away. At one point, all she had wanted was to be seen, really seen, and he had seen her. Now, she was fine fading into the background nursing her cigarette and a rum and coke.

His footsteps get closer, his feet crunching ominously over gravel, and Audrey prays that someone offers him a light before he approaches her.

God was not on Audrey's side.

"Audrey?" An all too familiar voice cracks. It's almost amusing, considering the cool act he'd began to cultivate, with his voice cracking with the same ferocity it had at seventeen.

Of course he recognised her from the back.

"Alex," Her eyebrows scrunched together as her voice cracked in some cheesy way as she turned to face him.

It was hard not to stare.

Unsurprisingly, she still knew every detail on his face, though his hair was all Elvis, matching the greaser leather jacket. She'd seen him pouting on TV. She would've loved to say it looked ridiculous, and it would've if he didn't look so sexy.

There was so much to say, and yet there was a stalemate between the pair, as he scanned her face as if it'd be the last time he'd ever do it. Her breath catches in her throat, and she taps along to the song from the club in a nervous habit.

"So, what've you been up to then?" He looked at her almost mocking, awaiting her response.

"Nothing much, I s'pose. Travelling and workings all there is really." The tension between them was plentiful and a lite awkward. It was a smog so thick she barely make him out. He just nodded, eyes not moving from her face as they hadn't since the moment he'd seen her.

"Aren't you going to ask how I am?" He scoffed, watching as she rolled her eyes.

"I know how you are Alex, you're on MTV every other week. You're a real star!" Audrey exclaimed in a place between pride and sarcasm, biting back a grin at his growing smile.

"A star eh?" He licked his lips, waiting for her to answer.

"Fuck off Turner. I meant I see you all the time, singing and slagging about." She huffed, now the one to smirk at his expression of disbelief.

"Slagging about? How?" He whined, trying to seem unbothered.

"You know what I'm on about, Turner. Every time I see you in magazines you're with some other girl." She sniffed, feeling the dread of possibly sounding slightly bitter. He seemed to sense the same, stepping closer to her.

"I reckon you're jealous, darling." He said, though through all his confidence, his stomach was one overwhelming tidal wave.

It had worked, though. She was flustered beyond belief, and she had to regain it. Hopefully, it hadn't shown.

"I'm sure you'd love that." She furrowed her eyebrows, though they softened as she made the mistake of looking right into his eyes. She nibbled at her bottom lip, and they continued to stare for what only would have been a few seconds and only became aware of how close they were when she heard her fiancé's voice. Audrey coughed and turned to take a drag of her cigarette, any excuse to avoid her exes' pretty eyes.

"I've been looking for you for ages, sweetheart." He takes one look at Alex, then another in the usual double take.

"You're from Arctic Monkeys. I love 505!" He expresses, Alex nodding.

"It's about her," He says, nodding to Audrey, who shoots him a warning look.

"Good one, mate!" He laughed good-naturedly, his expression morphing into one of confusion as his fiancé threw the rockstar daggers.

"I'm not joking, pal. Audrey was my first proper girlfriend." Alex replied bluntly, enjoying the pure torture evident on Audrey's face.

"Fucking he- Really Aud?" He tried not to gasp, looking to the blonde, who looked like she was going to strangle all parties involved.

"Yeah; has the taxi come?" She brushed it off, desperate to leave.

Alex was regrettably, her past, and she'd moved on. She was looking to the future, she was engaged. It wouldn't do well to dwell on him, is what she thought as they walked away following a quick nod farewell from Alex. 

That didn't mean Alex wouldn't dwell on Audrey, though.

Hiiiiiii OK here's like a Wikipedia page type thing coming because our girl is an actress and musician but I need to get something out so I don't forget about this for another six months !

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